"Keep your hips centre." He said.

Then he set his hands on my hands, taking my position from behind. "You have the right idea, but you gotta just slightly lift yourself up."

I blushed madly, my heart was racing dramatically, and my breathing was shaky.

I did as told and lifted myself.

"That's better." He said, removing himself from me and walking in front of me.

I looked into his eyes and blushed harder.

He smirked. "Now try shooting."

I complied and shot another arrow he handed me. It hit right in the middle.

I looked to him and smiled happily, lowering my arms and resting back into a comfortable stance. He smiled back and rested his wings on his hips.

"Nice job. You learn quick." He said.

I nodded in thanks, rubbing my arm awkwardly.

"I guess it's time to move on to multiple targets." He said.


Later that day, it began to snow. At first, it was light snow, then it began to snow harder and faster.

Revali quickly grabbed his equipment from the landing balcony and rushed inside. I followed him, shivering and rubbing my arms for warmth.

"That warm clothing not keeping you warm?" He asked me, fuelling the fire.

I shook my head no and hugged myself.

"Here, I have these things you can wear." He said, walking up to me and wrapping this string thing around strands of my hair.

"Should keep you nice and warm." He said.

I looked up into his eyes as I became warmer and warmer. My cheeks turned a light pink and I smiled softly.

We found ourselves by the fire, sitting in silence as we enjoyed the warmth of the fire and the crackling of the sparks.

I heard Revali stir uncomfortably and stand up. "I'm going to cool off. My feathers are like a coat of their own. I'm boiling." He said, chuckling slightly.

He walked out on the landing balcony and stood at the edge.

I bit my lip and hugged my knees close to me. I examined him.

Sure, he's a dick to me sometimes. But he's changed recently. He hasn't called me names, or made fun of me, or even laughed at me.

It's almost as if... we're friends.

My eyes widened as I look at Revali, standing out in the harsh wind and snow. My heart begins to pound violently in my ears as I stand up.

I slowly but surely walked out onto the landing balcony and stood a couple centimeters away from him.

"M-My m-m-moth-her d-di-ed whe-n I w-as 10." I choked out, gripping the collar of my shirt as I tried to speak.

He turned and looked at me shocked.

The wind blew violently against the skin of my face, and the snowflakes landed harshly on my body. The cold air burned my skin, but the pain almost felt nice.

"B-Bokob-blins m-m-murdered h-her... th-at's when my d-dad sta-rted t-training m-me in c-comba-at." I choked out again, my voice raspy and dry from the lack of use.

"H-He trained me f-for y-y-years... w-when I was 15... Bokoblins attack-ed ou-r village... I t-tried desperately t-to f-fight them... b-but I c-c-couldn't..." I choked out sadly, hugging myself as I looked down sadly.

"M-My d-dad later g-got mad at m-me... s-saying I was p-p-path-etic... and a d-disappoinm-ment... h-he got so m-mad at me that I-I ran away... l-later that night I... came back... I-I found my dad d-dead, lying in a d-ditch. I can n-never f-forgive my-self for that... I hate m-myself for leaving him..." I choked, gripping the sleeves of my clothes.

"Impa found me... a-and t-took me in... for y-years I always said w-what I was t-thinking... p-people kept getting m-mad at me, s-saying the same t-things my dad did. So... I-I stopped speaking. I was better o-off that way. I stopped h-hurting everyone a-around me..."

"M-my dad would always s-say 'stop talking and get to training'... So I-I listened..."

Revali just stared at me shocked and sadly, his eyes wide and his beak parted.

We stared at each other, pain in each other's eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry, Link... I didn't know..." he said finally, slouching into himself and looking down at the wood we were standing on sadly.

I shut my eyes as I fought the urge to cry. I was better off holding in my pain then letting it out.

"Link... it's okay to cry... let it out..." he said, walking closer to me.

I looked up at him and bit my lip to keep myself from crying. "No...! It's not!..."

He walked closer and closer. "It's okay..."

I let out a sob, walking backwards slowly. He stopped where he was and watched me sadly.

"Ahh..." I cried, dropping to my knees and gripping over my chest. "Agh!... it hurts!..."

He rushed over to me and dropped to his knees as well.

I started to sob loudly, unable to hold everything in anymore. I've been holding in all this pain and I can't hold it in anymore.

Revali wrapped his wings around me, holding me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his waist and continued to sob violently.

The soft touch of his feathers felt nice against my cold and clammy skin. The feeling of his heart beating calmed me. It reassured me that I wasn't alone. Revali was here with me.

"Just let it all out..." he said softly.

This was a new side of Revali that he didn't let me see before. Maybe it's because our bond is growing. We're getting closer to each other. We're trusting each other more and more.

I dug my head into his neck and trembled violently.

"M-Make it stop... please!... it h-hurts..." I cried out.

"I'm here for you, Link. I won't ever leave you."

Being in Revali's arms was all I needed. Having him around was all I didn't know I wanted. Being held by him was all I didn't know I wanted.

Tomorrow -Link x Revali-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon