Chapter 1

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"And what's the boy's name?" The lady at the front desk asked, eyeing my parents. A spark of joy erupted in my heart, and I grinned behind a curtain of black hair.

"She's a girl, and her name is Ikki Kirishima." My mom said angrily. I slumped back down into my chair. I was so close...

"Ikki, you know we're doing this for your own good right? We just want you to feel like yourself again." My dad says, pushing a lock of hair behind my ear. I scowl at him and turn away. 

"You're doing this for your own good." I mumble, and that shuts him up. 

You see, a few weeks ago I sat my parents down for dinner and told them exactly this:

"Mom, dad, I absolutely despise being a girl and I think I'm a boy on the inside." I thought they would take it well. Apparently not though, since now I'm being detained in a juvenile detention center halfway across Japan. 

They claimed that I was violent and rule breaking, and had stolen their wallet to buy drugs. I did none of those things, and I can't even look my parents in the eye without feeling a surge of rage. And every time they call me by my girl name, or refer to me as a girl, I feel the same rage. I hate feeling this way, but if I wasn't angry, I'd be so depressed I'd be suicidal. Although honestly? That's feeling like a pretty good option right now.

My parents are saying goodbye to me now. I stare at the ground, blocking out their faces with my messy shoulder length black hair. Eventually they leave, because now I'm being dragged to the girl's section of the facility with my luggage in hand. They had thoroughly inspected my bag, only to find several too small sports bras. 

"Here's your room, Ikki. Dinner's at 7 and you must be in bed at 9. Got it?" Says the lady that half led/ half pulled me here. 

"Got it." I mumble, and step into the room. It's a small room with padded white walls with a few suspicious stains on them. There's an aluminum mirror that distorted my face when I looked at it. Good, something to avoid. There's a bunk bed in the corner of the room. A bunk bed...? 

I hear a flushing coming from the door at the end of the room and see a girl with pale pink skin pop out. She had a headband with two little yellow horns popping out of a mess of curly pink hair. She starts walking towards me.

"Heyyy! You must be my new roommate! I'm Mina Ashido and you're..." She pauses and looks me up and down. "...A boy??"

"Oh, um, no. I'm a..." It takes effort to say this. "I'm a girl..." She still looks confused but holds out her hand for me to shake. I accept. 

"Are you sure?" She questions. 

"Well, to be honest I'm kind of a trans boy, but my parents aren't really supportive and I got sent here and I wish my name was Eijiro and-" I say quickly, but I get interrupted.

"Eijiro, huh? Nice to meet you!" Mina plops down on the bottom bunk and pats the room next to her. I let out a sigh of relief and sit as well. She seems way too nice to be at a juvenile detention center. She seems like one of those cheerleader type girls, especially with her wearing what looks like her old school uniform. It took me a second to realize she was talking again.

"-scar on above your eyebrow?" I hear her say. She's leaning over, looking at me with a smile. 

"My scar? Oh, it just from when I was a kid and I nicked myself with scissors" I say, giving a faint smile. Her smile is infectious in a way.

"Ohhh haha, I thought it might be from whatever crimes you committed to end up here, haha!" She laughs.

"Nah, the only crime I committed was having transphobic parents."

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