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Renjun was confused, concerned, and really fucking mad. Jaemin disappeared without a word a few days after their hangout, and when he came back, he had the audacity to tell Renjun that he didn't want to see him anymore.

Renjun wasn't an evil person in any way, excluding his sarcastic humor, and would have completely understood if Jaemin had rejected his advances politely. But to blow him off multiple times, call him insulting names through text, and end it in a group chat of all of their friends? Oh, hell no. He would not get away with this.

The short boy stormed up to Jaemin's door and threw it open. The bottom floor of the house was bare, and with a quick glance around he determined Jaemin's bedroom was on the second floor.

Jaemin heard the footsteps from his comfortable spot on his bed, and assuming they were his mother throwing another fit, ignored them. Jeno had been gone when he got home, the only trace of the cuddly teenager being the small note he left in Jaemin's diary.

Sorry about the coffee last night (but not the kisses, wink wink)! I'll see you tonight, Nana.

He chuckled as he recalled the note, but his happiness faded when his door was thrown open to reveal a very angry, very sad Renjun.

"Um, hello?" Jaemin sat up and turned off his phone, staring at Renjun's still frame.

"Na Jaemin, you do not get to dump me like that!" Renjun screeched, throwing himself on the bed near Jaemin's covered feet. "Why? Why like that? Why are you so rude?"

Jaemin blinked, once, twice.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You dumped me in the group chat! You blew me off..." Renjun calmed down seeing how confused Jaemin was. Either he was terrifyingly good at faking confusion, or he genuinely had no clue what Renjun was ranting about.

"You... didn't?"

Jaemin shook his head.

Renjun's whole body deflated at that moment, his back hitting the bed with a dramatic sigh that made Jaemin fear for his safety.

"Check the group chat, Jaemin."

Jaemin did as he was told, scrolling through his muted chats (including the cursed group chat) and clicking on the one named "Hyuck doesn't have a cock 😪"

He read through the most recent messages, most from his angry friends until he saw a blue bubble. The words were spiteful, harsh, and to the point.

Basically the total opposite of him, but not too different from a jealous Jeno.

"Oh shit. I'm so sorry, Renjun. I think Jeno got jealous when he saw that I still had your name all cute in my phone."

Renjun sighed and placed a delicate hand on Jaemin's arm.

"It's okay. I trust you when you say you didn't do it." Renjun twirled his wrist, one of the many anxious habits he picked up over the years. "Be careful, alright? I don't trust Jeno. He's too..." Renjun paused. "Possessive."

Jaemin didn't agree, but maybe that was just his love of attention speaking. Jeno's possessiveness never bordered obsession, and it made Jaemin feel wanted. He hadn't felt wanted in a very long time.

"I'll talk to him."

It was an empty promise, but Renjun bought it and left shortly after.

Jaemin never mentioned it, Jeno never mentioned it, and he never wanted too. He wanted to savor the taste of Jeno's raspberry lemonade chapstick on his tongue and the boy's careful hands on his body. He wanted to be wanted, and he refused to let Renjun ruin that.

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