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Jaemin rested his head on his flat pillow, hair fanning across his forehead like a fucked up halo. The room next door housed a very loud tenant, who typically made sleep for Jaemin fairly difficult. Each time his eyes fluttered shut, a pained groan forced them back open. That's the reason Jaemin saw the shadow creeping past his window in the dead of night.

He sat up, heart pounding in his ears, and quietly padded to the door. He carefully ducked beneath the window and glanced outside. The nurses were seemingly unaware of the intruder, and the thought paralyzed Jaemin.

He stared out of the window for a few seconds longer before falling back with a horrified yelp. A mask covered face appeared in his door window, pressing against the glass and creating fog with every breath. Jaemin didn't know what to do. His body froze, legs locking and throat constricting. He felt tears drip down his neck uncomfortably but lacked the strength to brush them away.

The nameless face pulled the mask up to reveal it's pretty pink lips, and Jaemin instantly recognized them.

"Jeno?" He asked, despite knowing the man couldn't hear him. Jeno nodded regardless, reading his lips, and gestured to open the door.

"I can't. The alarm will go off," Jaemin mouthed. The alarm was connected to each of the doors, signalled to go off if the doors opened after "sleep" time.

Jeno motioned for him to open it again, more frantic, and Jaemin caved. He braced himself for the obnoxious sound and pulled the heavy door open. Surprisingly, the screeching he expected was gone, if he ignored his screaming neighbor, at least.

"Jeno, what the hell are you doing?" He hissed quietly, pulling the man into his room by the arm. Jeno's clothes were stained with black from the tips of his soft hair to the toe of his combat boots.

Jeno uncovered his lips to smile manically at his boyfriend.

"Getting you out."

Jaemin didn't have the chance to argue before he was dragged from the room. The nurses behind the desk didn't flinch when his door slammed shut, barely even moved when Jeno excitedly retold his plans to Jaemin.

"What did you do to them?" Jaemin asked, vaguely pointing in the direction of the nurse's station.

Jeno chuckled and unlocked the doors leading to the common room. "They love their drugged coffee."

Jaemin pursed his lips and silenced any further questions plaguing his mind. The acid in his stomach began to churn, alerting him to something deeper than just drugged coffee. He ignored the bubbly feeling in favor of appreciating the coolness of the air outside the psych ward and the warmth of Jeno's hand in his.

"Where do we go now, Jeno?"

"I want to take you somewhere special, and I need you to do something for me, okay? Then we'll be safe together forever." Jeno's voice was stern, and Jaemin knew the matter was not up for discussion regardless of his hesitance.

Jaemin sighed and squeezed Jeno's hand lightly. "Okay. Let's go."

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