"What's the deal with your roommate anyway?" Eden asks. "You said he's back?"

Jamie nods his head. He nods it so much that Eden is worried that Jamie might get whiplash. Not that it matters, but still, that would suck. "So, he shows up as nothing happened. Like, he doesn't even acknowledge that he's been missing for a week. Fifteen minutes later, he's high as a kite in his room again. So yesterday I crash at my parents' place, but I can't do that forever, or they will get suspicious."

Now, Eden leans against the kitchen countertops. He likes how Jamie fills the silence. Finally, Eden takes a sip out of his coffee cup. It burns his mouth, which sucks but he doesn't care all that much. He holds the cup to hide his smirk.

"I mean, I did get to dip out to help Wes on June duty last night, which was nice," Jamie takes a sip from his drink, then pauses to look back at Eden. "You know, I can't tell if June is doing better or worse. Now, I don't think she's suicidal, but I doubt it's worth the risk, you know? I was supposed to be on duty with her, but Wes took over for me."

Eden nods. "That was nice of him."

Jamie's face flashes pink, but Eden doesn't notice. He can hear a loud ruckus in the hallway, one that is all too familiar. The door handle to his apartment jiggles, and Eden curses himself for not having locked it earlier.

In bursts Liam and the crew. They each carry a drink and a bag with a sub inside. Eden crosses his arms over his chest, running his hand over the stubble on his chin. Crap.

"How're you doing, Eddie?" Liam slaps Eden over the back, moving across from him. He lifts a sports drink to his lips, swinging back. He exhales loudly after the sip, then gestures to Jamie. "Who's this dude? He go to Barnaby?"

"Umm... I'm a friend of Eden's," Jamie swallows, looking to Eden for support. Eden's eyes harden. "I'm just borrowing the sweater."

"A friend, huh?" Liam laughs, he looks around the room. "Did you hear that, Mikey? This Jamie guy is Eden's friend."

Michael turns around, a grin spread across his face. Jamie can feel his knee jittering as he looks between the football boys. Something is happening, something that Jamie doesn't quite understand. Something that makes him feel deeply uncomfortable.

"You've sure got a lot of male friends, don't you Connor?" Michael jokes, staring Eden down. "I mean, one has to wonder if you're even fucking that wannabe-doctor chick, or if you're just painting each other's nails every night."

Jamie looks over to Eden, pursing his lips. Are they talking about Cara? He tries to read the answer off Eden's face, but Eden leaves himself sterner than Jamie has ever seen him.

"You shut your damn mouth," Eden mutters, though only Jamie hears him. Maybe Jamie doesn't hear him but feels it rather.

Liam pokes Eden in the side but addresses Michael. "He's definitely not screwing the nerd. Hasn't Eddie told you? He's a virgin."

Eden slams the glass down in the sink behind him. It shatters, glass spraying everywhere. Eden can feel it burying deep into his hands. The crash causes all seven heads in the room to turn and face Eden, whose chest is huffing up and down.

"You've had your fun, now get out," Eden begins. "I quit the team, I quit pretending, and I quit listen to you wail about how straight you are all the time. We get it, you fuck women. Get a personality or a hobby, or something else to do Liam."


Eden knocks away Liam's fist. "Out."

Liam raises his hands in defence. He grabs the collar of another jock, and soon the five guests leave the apartment.

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