Chapter 20

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//Trigger warning: possessive SQUIP

Also. Be prepared for many POV changes. Short chapter. \\

Christine's POV

I stood in shock. Jeremy's eyes were bright blue and not his usual brown ones. He looked pale. I took a step closer to hear what he was saying. My eyes widened when I heard what he said. I ran off and took out my phone. I tapped "Brooke" and hit call. 

Michael's POV

John's car jumped slightly when it hit a bump in the road. I was trying desperately to hold back tears. Now I had proof Jeremy didn't love me and it stung. I heard John's breath hitch and I looked over at him. 

I ignore this until I saw my street pass by. "Uh.. Laurens, my house is back there." I say. John turns his head to look me right in the eyes instead of on the road. "I know." His eyes were bright blue. "What the fuck-? John! Eyes on the road!" 

He didn't look back at the road but kept one hand on the wheel, driving correctly without looking ahead of him. "W-where are we going?" I asked. John didn't answer but he kept his creepy now-blue eyes on me. 

John pulled into Jeremy's house. I tried to open the door to get out but they were locked. "I am sorry, Michael but you know too many things, I can not let you ruin my plan." 

My eyes were wide in shock and alarm. I looked at John and then the door. "Sorry, I'll pay for this." I said before breaking the door open and jumping out. As soon as my feet touched the concrete road, I started to sprint.  

I ran to the first place I thought of. Rich's house. The door to his house was unlocked and I yanked the door opened. Rich was sitting on the couch, tv on, beer that he wasn't supposed to have in his hand. He looked up at me, hair in his face. "Oh. Michael." 

Rich put his focus back onto the tv. "Need thome help with homework or whatever?" He asked. I was panting. "No. Rich. Look, I'm sorry about all that stuff that happened. I'm sorry for running off, too."

"I thenthe a 'but' coming up." 

"Right. Rich, after I ran, I met up with my cousin. We decided to go to the mall... we saw Jeremy getting fucked by Logan! John made me get back into the car and said we were driving home. But he went by the street I lived on and went to Jeremy's house.... his eyes went blue and he started speaking a but weirdly.... it's stupid but I'm a bit scared.. y'know what? Maybe I should go. Just over reacting-." 


Rich's POV

Almost as if it was called, my SQUIP activated without me drinking any Mountain Dew. Kermit the Frog only shook his head. Stop with the lisp. Tell him you'll be right back.

I felt a pain behind my ear and refrained from pressing my hand against it. Unwillingly, I said to Michael: "I'll be right back. Give me two secs."

 Michael's POV

"Alright" My voice was quiet and I was worried. I watched Rich leave the room. When I got a text message from Brooke. 

Pinkberry: Michael. Get away from anyone who previously had a- 

I stopped reading and shut off my phone. 

I really wasn't in the mood for listening to Brooke warn me about any rumors that had leaked on some random social media page I wasn't on.

Rich's POV

//Trigger warning of violence from Heere on out. Mention of past abuse. Mention of cuts and past suicidal thoughts and actions.\\

Your father's room. Get the taser that he used to use on you. The SQUIP said. I could only nod and obey. 

It was not me who walked into my father's room but my SQUIP controlling my body. It felt like what happened at Jake's house...

My eyes scanned the messy room of my father's. My father never came around anymore. He had no reason to and therefore stayed away from me and my mother. 

My father was abusive to me. He would use all sorts of "toys" on me. I gripped my right hand into a fist. I had began to cut on my right arm before I got a SQUIP. As I used my left hand for more things, it wouldn't matter if my right arm and hand hurt because I wouldn't use it. 

The SQUIP found the taser in no time at all. Slowly, it used my body to walk over and grab the abusive and harmful object. 

Brooke's POV

I sat in Chloe's lap and watched Jake pace around. We all weren't safe to go and warn Michael. If we got to close to Jeremy and his SQUIP knew we were part of the plan to stop it's plan, then we would make things worse. 

"What do we do?" Jenna was sitting on the couch across from me and Chloe. 

Our only hope was Christine. The SQUIP wouldn't hurt her if that's what Jeremy wanted. We didn't know what the SQUIP's plan was or what it's goal was. The only thing we knew was that Michael was in danger and there was little to nothing we could do about it. 

"Fuck it. Let's go." Jake said. 

Jeremy's POV

He's at Rich's house. I can sense that Rich's SQUIP doesn't want to cooperate with my-our plan and is resisting. Rich's SQUIP is making a plan to stop us by doing it itself. Which is good and bad. We need to be there before Rich does it. It needs to be us who kill Michael Mell.

There is no way I can stop what is already being done. Michael. I know you can't hear me but I am sorry and I love you. 

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