Chapter 12

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Michael's POV 

I pull away from Jeremy and shake my head. "Stop pretending!" I shout. Jeremy winces and my insides turn. "I'm not pretending, Michael." He looked truthful. Maybe... he wasn't lying. Maybe, just maybe he wasn't. 

Jeremy makes me look him in the eyes. "I would never lie to you. Ever," he definitely sounded sincere. He really must've been telling the truth. I gave Jeremy a small smile. He smiled back at me. Something did feel off, though. 


Jeremy's POV 

Michael looked down. I tried to direct his eyes back to mine. He looked at me finally. His eyes shown something else. His eyes...Gerard smiled at me over Michael's shoulder. Oh stop it. "What's wrong?" I asked Michael after a second. 

"I'm sorry about that earlier." I shook my head. "Don't worry about it," I say. "Let's just forget it happened and continue as friends, deal?" Michael nodded. "C'mon, wanna go back to my house to continue our level?" He shrugs. 

"Let's go" 


You sure you want to do that? You never know if you were to need me again. Especially with you and Michael.

I looked at Gerard. Mountain Dew Red was in my hand. "No, I'm gonna do it." 

You really want to end up in a hospital again? 

Not really...

Then don't drink the goddamn Mountain Dew Red. Easy as that. 

I sigh. "Fine. I won't drink the goddamn Mountain Dew Red". I hear my dad come up the stairs. He knocks on my door. Huh: he didn't just barge in. "Jeremy, can you come out for a second, buddy?" Oh no, what did I do now? 

I open my door, Gerard stands behind me silent, for now. My dad seems upset about something. I probably did something really bad. Did I forgot to go onto private mode while looking up my... stuff and he looked on my computer?! No, not that. He looked at me. His face was serious. 

"I need some help, kiddo. I'm going out on a date. And... well, you know I'm not good at this stuff. You think you could help? As a father-son bonding time?" This surprises me. Dad's going out on a date? With who? Do they have kids? I nod slowly. "Right now?" Now my dad nods. Gerard, I'm gonna need some help.

Of course! That's what I'm here for. What I'm supposed to be here for anyway.

Thanks. Err... where do we start? Suit. Ok. "Right. Do you have a suit ready?" He shakes his head. "I have a bunch but I'm not sure which one to use." I nod and start toward my dad's room. My dad quickly runs to catch up with me. Gerard reappears next to me and keeps my pace. He might need a lot of help. I glare at him. I said don't look at me when I'm talking! 

I go straight for my dad's closet and go to the suits section. He had quite a few suits. Which one? That one.  Gerard points to a grey suit and I pull it out. It looks nice but not to formal. Perfect. I hand it to my dad. What's next? Hair. What? Ok.  Silently, I go to my dad's bathroom that was connected to his bedroom. 

Hair combed to the side. I take out a comb. "How about hair to the side?" I suggest. My dad just nods as he takes the comb. I see Gerard nodding in the background. We're doing great what to say is next. Wha- like cheesy pick-up lines? Exactly. I know a good number of them too. Some you could even say to Mikey. I try my best not to sigh or face palm, or groan, or look weirdly at Gerard to judge him. 

"Right. Next we need pick up lines in case we go to the worse situation," my dad looks at me for a second before nodding. We move out of the bathroom to go over some extremely weird and cheesy pick-up lines. I'm not going to even say some of the weird ones Gerard said to say. I almost feel bad for whoever my dad's going out to date. What's next? What not to do. Right. Ya know, my dad has some experience doing this right? Oh I know. 

"Should we go over things not to do?" Dad nods. "Whatever I need to prepare, kiddo." He can't be too nice. But he can't be mean. And he must be polite and ask her questions. But not too many questions. He has to have a good balance of curiousness. But not to much. Yeah, no. "How about you just be yourself, ok? If you want her to like you, you have to show her who you are." 

"She already knows. We've been together for a while. I just need some advice so I can purpose." Wait. What?! My dad has been dating a women who I don't even know and now is going to purpose?! I don't know her!! "Have you dated when I'm at school or whenever you go out and won't tell me where you are going?" He nodded. "Your going to purple to someone I don't even know?!" 

My dad nods again. He brings his wrist up and looks at his watch. "I should be going. Bye son, thanks for your help!" With that, he runs out of the room and out of the house. Which leaves me alone and shook. With Gerard  just as shook behind me. "What's her name? The one he's dating?" I ask Gerard. I do not know. "Aren't you a super computer?" I ask walking off out of my dad's room. Gerard appears in front of me.

I AM a super computer. I do not have magical mind reading powers though. I can only read people's actions not their minds. Right. I grab my phone and make a call to Michael. "Hey," I say when he picks up. "What's up?" I sigh. "My dad just told me he's been dating this women for a while and asked me to help him out so he could ask her to marry him. I don't even know her name!" I say. 

"Huh," is all Michael has to say. "Are you going to Rich's house for his little all nighter party?" He asks. "He texted everyone about it." I look at the group chat called "Squip Squad" and there was a text from Rich. 

Richardwtf: who's coming over to my party l8r? My house @ 9 till tomorrow 

Pinkberry ((Brooke)): I will

Theaternerd112: I can't. 

JakeeeD ((Jake))  ya know I'll b there

Micheel: me too

ChloBow ((Chloe)): I can make it.

Rolan224 ((Jenna): Yup 

Heere&weird: I'll be there.

There was one other text. It was from my dad. 

Mr.imHeere: hey, Jeremy. Realized I forgot to tell you her name. Oh! And she has a son around your age named Percy. Anyway, her name is Sally. Sally Jackson.

(( I wasn't really sure who to put Mr. Heere with. But I have an idea for another story if anyone wants a BMC/Percy Jackson crossover. Which i might write after if anyone wants to read something like it.))

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