(As Always) A/N

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Hallo fellow boyf riend squippers. ;)

I do hope you enjoy this story. Currently, of writing the first few chapters, I have not yet seen the musical, but I know how it ends. (LOOK I'M SORRY OK. I NEEDED TO KNOW CAUSE I HAVE A MONTH UNTIL I SEE IT AND I HAVE TO KNOW..) But, I do not know what happened between the opening scene and the ending one. Mostly. 

Edit: I have now seen the musical it was wonderful and I got to see Cameron and Anthony go on!

Let's just see how this goes. 

If you read the description, you probably have guessed that this happens AFTER the SQUIP. I will use this writing when my friend (sadly not irl) Jason Tam is talking as SQUIP. There is gonna be no big smut. If there happens to be, I will put a warning  in the beginning. There will be some swearing, and a LOT of drama. That makes a good story! Drama. 

I use 1st person POV and will usually stick to either Michael or Jeremy's POV. Plz note that Christine acts on the mean/aggressive/selfish side. Like she is bad... As in, she acts nothing like herself in the musical. I LOVE (PLAY REHEARSAL) CHRISTINE THO. THIS IS JUST FOR THE STORY!! 

I have put a few ocs into the story as well. Including Sinead, cause she's like the main oc I have. There will also be Liam and Logan, who are twins.

For the few times I use text: their names

Jeremy- Heere&weird

Michael- Micheel 

Christine- theaternerd112

Sinead- pattonthehead

Liam- like_a_lier

Logan- lo-key

George: wonderful_cinomonroll

Thomas: couldbgayer

There will be swearing!!!

Also when I write like this it means it is a flashback. 



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