chapter 5

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I forgot to mention that we turned in the assignment Mark and I were working on yesterday, in class. This predates the game. The results were posted at night, and we got 100. I'd like to owe our success to Mark. You'd think a jock would be an airhead, but no. He's got his life on track.

I sort of envy that of him.

"Teach me," I'd say to him. I mean, I'm not going to, since I'm doubtful of my friendliness with him. Can't really come to terms with whether or not we're friends.

I'm sitting in my desk before English starts. I came pretty early, so Mark isn't here to occupy the space in front of me yet.

I grab the things I needed for this class out of my bag, setting them on the table to pass time. In the middle of this, somebody drops a book on my desk, a pair of feminine, graceful arms suddenly popping into view.

"Hi, you're Amber, right?" I looked up and saw a girl in my class, whose name I did not know, but recognized her face. She had her glasses on, which from the few times I noticed her while scanning the room, I observed to be reading glasses. So she doesn't usually have them on.

"Yes," I speak with concern in my tone.

"AGH," she screams with a strong tinge of high pitched girlishness apparent. Her little spasm that had just occurred left me shaken.

"Sorry," she recollects herself, covering her mouth using her hoodie sleeve and coughing. "Anyway," she finally gets to the point, "I was at the volleyball game yesterday, and witnessed everything. Do you two have a thing going on?" her finger points at me, swiftly alternating it between the empty desk in front and I.

"Uhhhh," I pause for a second, mentally slapping myself for taking so long to answer, "No."

My pause probably made things very suspicious.

No, it did, because then her face lit up with excitement. "That was such a bluff. Anyway, I've known Mark since elementary school. Well, we didn't really talk. But, want to hear a story?" her face looks so eager, and she seemed so gentle, like a butterfly.

"Yes," I smile.

"Back in kindergarten, he always got picked on by teacher and scolded for chewing on his pencils. Like, full on chewing. The chew marks were comparable to a beaver," her eyes were wide, and she seemed so invested in our conversation. I turn behind her and see thou that shall not be named come through, my eyes immediately darting back to the girl, mouthing,

"Stop talking," pointing at the door with my hand down low so Mark couldn't see.

She gets the memo quickly, fortunately, quickly changing the topic.

"Anyway, I forgot to introduce myself," she extends her hand. "Je m'appelle Noelle," I take it and expose my teeth this time when I smile.

Right. Elementary school. French Immersion, with Mark. She was also a part of that. Her accent was proper and reflected on her status as part of the program.

"It was nice meeting you," I reply.

"We should talk again some time," she makes her last comment before making a prompt exit, in time to narrowly avoid Mark. He plops down in his seat, as he does every day, routinely, like clockwork.

"What was that about?" he turns to face me, as I continue to get my stuff out of my bag and ready for class.

"Nothing. Just girl stuff you wouldn't want to hear," he doesn't seem to buy it, with an eyebrow raised.

"I saw you look at me when I walked in and shriveled up. Were you maybe gossiping about me?" my eyes grow wide at the fact that he caught on this time. Or, was always catching on and just spoke up about it now. Either way, the outcome was not good for me.

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