chapter 2

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"Damn, he had a real glow up," Yasmin fanned herself figuratively, and hearing that come out, Ingrid leaned over from the love seat she sat on alone, over to the couch Yasmin and I were plopped on.

"He's hot," our friend Jade adds after walking over from the last of the three couches in the living room. The three of them all stared in awe at my cousin Haley's boyfriend.

If you were wondering how it ended up with Yasmin sharing the post of my cousin and her beau, it all involved Yasmin meeting my cousin at the University of Georgia a few months ago. She had just realized now her boyfriend's uncanny resemblance to Mark.

Snooping far down her feed, it was apparent a few years ago that her boyfriend was chubby when they had first met, but lost the weight, slimmed up, and got taller in present day.

The four of us were spending Friday night at Yasmin's house, since hers was the nicest. We were potentially going to watch a movie. Chilling. Or, if interrogated by Grant, "girls night things".

I was relaxed, now relieved after finishing my in-class Hamlet essay that we worked on for the past two days, immediately following the day we finished reading the play.

My cheeks felt warm, and I rolled my eyes to attempt faking disinterest in the matter. I wanted to believe I wasn't so riled up about it, resting my head on Yasmin's shoulder.

"Are you jealous? Bitter?" Ingrid lightly hit me in the arm teasingly.

"Aw, it's okay. We get if you want that to be you. They look so good together," she added.

"Well, that could be you, if you can muster the courage to, well, talk to you. You can't be anxious of the results if you haven't even bothered with the first step yet: to befriend him," Yasmin spoke nonchalantly, grabbing the remote and surfing around to find a movie on the TV. "Here, let's start watching something. Just relax."

She was right. I was only resentful of the ordeal's turnout partaking to my own issues of being too anxious to talk to him, and hopefully become friends. He seemed nice. He was nice, and even if he wasn't, then that would've been a telltale sign to drop any feelings I carried towards him then and there. Any dilemmas were the result of me.

Also, I'm overthinking it. Really, I should take things slow. One step at a time. Set my goals straight. First of all, school. That's more important than any boy.

I rubbed my temples, getting sidetracked from being lost in my own thoughts.

"That could be you," I groan, hearing Ingrid's message play in my head on repeat.

"Hey! Snap out of it. Girl, I was asking if you wanted to grab bubble tea. It's only, like, 7," Ingrid placed me back in reality, her face suddenly coming uncomfortably close to mine.

"Oh. Sure," my eyes move to Yasmin, who had something to say.

"Gia said she would be coming over to join us in 30 minutes, so I think I'm going to stay here. Jade, too, so I'm not alone. Would you and Ingrid be fine getting us all drinks?"

"Just classics?" I raise an eyebrow.

"But remember to order extra pearls for mine!" I nod my head.

"Of course. The usual," Ingrid expresses that she'll pay this time, as we walk out.

"Sounds good," Yasmin's tone is a stamp of approval, and as I look back. She pauses the movie on the opening sequence.


Ingrid parked by the bubble tea shop, and we walk out, continuing our conversation about choreography for the new dance we're learning next week.

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