Chapter 7: With me

Start from the beginning

At first, I mistook this stranger for Loki, I had almost called out his name. But his hair was far too fair and his eyes too blue. 

Was he crying? Tracks of water were covering his cheeks and his eyes were puffy and red. When he looked at me, his expression lit up a little, but depression was written all across his face.

"Darling, you're awake - "  He whispered disbelievingly, yet with relief. 

He looked exhausted, had two plasters on his face, but still quite handsome. The bells inside my head were ringing violently, but I couldn't match a name to him. I didn't even know which letter his name started with... he looked like an Edward, or a Henry. 

I keep staring irritatedly at him, without any expression. He saw that, tried to mask his sadness. I tried to speak, but my voice cracked. I cleared my throat, and groaned immediately. Everything hurt. 

"Who... Who are you?"  I asked slowly, tensed. His expression intensifyed, his blue eyes burning into mine. He stared, silently. I thought he wasn't going to answer, until what had apparently boiled inside him broke out.

"Don't ask me who I am! You know who I am, Caroline!"  He shouted at me. Liar. I knew nothing about him. Up until then, I only knew he had come into my room, touched me while I was unconscious, and now he was shouting at me. He was handsome, true, but he wasn't making a pleasant first impression. 

"No, I don't."

He sighed and sat back in his chair, staring at the ceiling.

"I see. What do you know?"

"No, I want to know who you are first."  I insisted. I wasn't going to tell him anything if I didn't knew who he was. Taking my hand again and bringing his face to mine, he told me everything and nothing at the same time.

"My name is Thomas Hiddleston. You are my wife, Caroline Hiddleston. We are married, my love. We had an accident on a highway and since then, you have been in coma."  He halted, swallowed. I wanted to withdraw my hand, but I was too weak. And confused. 

"An accident?" I gasped. It dawned on me that this was bad. "When?"

"Thirteen days have passed since." 

"Thirteen." I breathed, staring at the white blanket. "How bad is it?" 

"You - You weren't wearing your seatbelt, and you flew through the windscreen. They say it's a miracle. Your head took the entire impact, and they fear... permanent neurological damage." 

I had leant this. Loss of speaking fluency. Loss of sensation. Motor deficits. Loss of memory. 

"Wha-what? What are you talking about?" I couldn't take this. I was so angry, so angry he was giving me this. This stranger. "I'm married to you, fuck, I've never seen you before! I - " 

"Shh, please, let me finish speaking."  He interrupted me. I wanted to cry.  I stopped to give him a chance to explain this madness.

"I am your husband. You are my wife. We have been married half a year and I can prove it. Look at my hand, and then at yours."  He released my hand, which I quickly pulled away. I took off the ring, then read the saying inside.

"Tom and Caroline. 12th July"

"Do you believe me now? Mine says the same, here, look at it."  

I took his ring he held out to me and read. I realized that he was telling the truth. This man, this strange man was my husband. This sounded out of this world, something that only happened in the movies. I didn't want this. 

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