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Hunger had kept her up for practically the whole night. There was nothing she could do about it, though. There was no access to food, not yet. 

What was strange was that the Doctor didn't seem to sleep either. She would hear noises throughout the night of him writing, pacing, or sometimes even mumbling to himself. Yeah, he did tell her that he didn't need food, but the lack of sleep seemed a bit too overkill. He needed something to regain his energy, right?

At some point during the morning, someone came in to evaluate the Doctor about the containment breach, even making him hook himself up to a lie detector from what she heard. It sure did take a while. She never thought someone could ask so many questions, good god!

The door clicked shut and she wondered if the person had left. She tapped the floor a few times to question the Doctor, as if he needed more of those. The sound of his clinking soles approached her position and the shielding blanket was lifted.

"You may come out now, Sixtine. There will be visitors back again in about three hours, so please do make the most out of your time."

"And the camera is still broken?"

"Yes," he replied, glancing at the machine. "Personnel are scheduled to inspect it later today, or so I was told."

"Great," she muttered sarcastically, making her way from the tight space.

It was relieving to see she thought of it the same way as me.

The Doctor stepped as far away from D-1649 as possible as she escaped her tiny prison. She stood up and stretched as far as she could. Standing felt so strange after being all curled up for so long. She glanced over to the Doctor… or rather, up to him. She didn't realize how much of a height difference there was between them until now. He seemed to notice as well and let out a little laugh.

"I did not realize how accurate I was when I referred to you as ma petite fleur. You are rather small."

"Okay, asshole, shut up. Both of my parents were short, I can't control it!"

She went to hit his arm only to be met by him flinching out of the way.

"Sixtine, please refrain from touching me!" he exclaimed urgently.

"Huh? What's wrong with it? Don't want someone you basically just met to touch you?"

"No, no, it's just… I have a neat little trick that whenever I touch a living organism, it goes unconscious for surgical reasons. It does not happen as often if another touches me, but I do not wish to take a chance. That would be a rather horrifying experience for you, I believe. It is very hard to wake one up without performing some kind of surgery on them, as well." 

"Hm, reasonable," she replied, stepping away. "That's kind of dumb, I can't even hug the person who kept me from dying to thank him."

"Do not worry about thanking me, having you here and well is enough." He turned to his desk. "Ah, yes, and my request for food has been approved. Please have some, you haven't eaten for so long already."

"Oh, thank god. I'm starving."

She made her way to his desk where a small plate of food was sitting. Dry crackers and cheeses were arranged on it. Beside it was a cup of slightly foggy water. Under normal circumstances, she would have passed up an offer to eat it, but it had been over a day since she had anything. She gulped it down in seconds.

Poor thing...

"I see, you truly were starving."

Turning around, she saw the Doctor looking at her curiously. She almost forgot that he was there. If she had remembered, she might have tried to use some more manners. Her hand covered her mouth slightly.

The Doctor (FINISHED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon