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Hey, hey, hey! I'm back with another part of this! Thanks for so many reads already ♡♡
Also, there are a few parts of this that I had to translate into French. If you already speak the language and think you could translate the lines, then go ahead and offer! I dont fully trust Google Translate.. but a human translator isnt necessary! If you dont wanna translate, dont worry about it ♡

Anyways, enough blabbering! Enjoy the new chapter!


She awakened, basking in a newfound soft light. Opening her eyes brought her to a curious sight. It was the man from last night, peeling back the blanket to reveal himself to her. His golden irises looked to shimmer once he noticed that she had awakened. He spoke.

"Bonjour, ma petite fleur timide. Je vois que tu as finalement décidé de te réveiller." His voice sounded muffled from behind the mask.

She still barely understood a word that he was saying, and now he couldn't make any motions to indicate it for her. How was she supposed to respond? She tried her best.

"Uh, hi? I don't think I--"

"Oh, my apologies, my good woman," he interrupted her. "How ignorant of me, all of the scientists here seem to speak English. I should not have assumed that you did not. Do not fret, you will find that I am quite fluent in it."

"Wait, what do you mean by the scientists here? Aren't you one of them?"

"I am afraid not, madam. I am what they consider to be an SCP."

Her heart dropped. That was the only thing that she knew here. SCPs. They were all awful, destructive creatures from what she had seen.

"Jesus-jesus christ! Get the hell away from me, monster!"

She tried her best to back away from the being only to be met by a corner. What was there to do now? She was trapped!

The thing seemed to become very distressed at the sight of her actions. He reached out towards her, but not far enough for physical contact to be too easy.

"Did I frighten you with that? I am so very sorry. Please do not worry yourself too much, I am of no harm to you. Please trust me, ma'am."

"N-no way, you... you... whatever the hell you are! Let me out of this prison!"

"I- you... what could possibly make you less panicked?"

The hand that he had tried to reassure her with fell to the ground and he seemed to go into a deep thought. Suddenly, his eyes glew up once again in realization.

"Would an introduction make you feel slightly better? I shall start. My name is SCP-049, but you may refer to me as Doctor if you please. What do you call yourself?"

Her fear had faded away slightly, but she refused to let herself lose eye contact with that thing. Who knew what kind of things it could do if she looked away?

"I don't... remember my actual name. But I was given one by the people here. D-1649."

"What a pity that is, to have your name replaced by a label. I shall recreate one for you. Let us see. 1649... one-six... sixteen... Sixtine? Is that suitable?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Excellent. Now, let us see. You said that you didn't remember your name, yes? Do you happen to recall anything else about yourself?"

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