Now What..?

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Hey y'all, sorry for the hiatus! I was honestly getting sick of writing this for a bit so I had to take a breather. I was gonna upload this last week but didn't have internet access.

But enough about me! Here's the story :D


Miraculously, she was able to fall into an uneasy sleep. Soon enough, she awoke again.

"Hello, Sixtine? Are you awake? Sixtine, please."

The Doctor's voice sounded desperate. Lazily, she turned her face towards him and opened her eyes. He was on his knees, crouching further to look at her. A look of confusion and worry covered his face. 

"My God, Sixtine. Did you do all of this?" He almost seemed angry, but reconsidered. "What happened last night?"

"I didn't do anything, I was under here all night."

"But there- then who else would have-"

The door whirred, prompting him to drop the sheet. 

This was far too early for Doctor Okra to be visiting. I knew his timing was not always accurate, but this was ridiculous.

Three sets of footsteps entered the room, sounding shockingly similar to those she heard last night. They walked to the interrogation-style table that was near the center of the room.

"Good morning, SCP-049. Have a seat."

It was the same voice from earlier. The Doctor's footsteps approached the table and a chair screeched. The click of a recording device.

"There is some news we thought you should be updated on, zero-four-nine. I'm probably a new face, so allow me to introduce myself. I'm Mx. Sage Ember, but you'll be referring to me as Doctor Ember. I'm the new director of your research program."

There was a small pause, almost like they were expecting the Doctor to say something.

"What happened to Doctor Okra?" he finally mustered.

"He was terminated. Last night, actually."

Of course he was. Right when someone doesn't fit their agenda, they are discarded.

"Why is that?" It sounded like he was gritting his teeth.

"Well," Ember shifted, "he was becoming way too lenient with you. That can't happen, especially at this site. That's how containment breaches happen."

I did not like what they were implying.

"That brings me to my next point," they continued. "Your camera is still busted, but we need to be able to keep a constant eye on you. We'll either have a guard stationed here or install a microphone. Most likely the latter for privacy and safety reasons. We are looking into video camera alternatives as well."

Oh no, this was horrible! All of my good behavior, all of my effort to regain their trust, all of my effort for protecting Sixtine!

A knot formed in D-1649's throat. What would happen to her, then? The room was silent for at least a minute. It sounded like Ember was about to speak again when a chair suddenly screeched. Clicking, like guns being raised or adjusted.

"You haven't the faintest idea of what you are talking about!" the Doctor scolded. "Have you looked into the records for the past months? All of that was when Doctor Okra was head of my project. As far as I am aware, my behavior has been exceptional. Especially during the site-wide containment breach! It would have been so easy to leave this room, believe me. Instead, I stayed here, because I was fond of those I was working with and wanted to avoid making them upset with me."

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