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Hello, hello! Welcome to my fanfiction! Have a seat, enjoy your time...
Like I said in my description, a huge thanks to BappoProofEggs for making that one fanfic that inspired the creation of this! If you end up enjoying this, then definitely go give theirs a read ♡♡
With that squared away, onto the story!


All of this could have been avoided. If she wasn't in such a low spot, it would have been better. If she weren't so curious, it would have been better. If it wasn't for that stupid link... AGH!

Just thinking about it made her hate herself. Why would she click a spam link in the first place? She knew exactly why, because she was lonely. Loneliness made her stupid.

She was always into science fiction. The thought of space, aliens, and the sorts interested her and occupied her best in her lowest times. That damn ad really tickled her fancies.

"Like monsters? Like unexplainable phenomena? Click here!"

Curiosity sure did kill the cat and she clicked on it. Instead of bringing her to some kind of virus-filled site, it just responded with...

"Thank you for volunteering!"

Satisfaction didn't bring her back. In fact, it almost killed her more. She woke up mere days afterward in a crowded room and unable to remember even her own name. She was treated so inhumanely here, like she was an object. She was, at least to them.

And now, here she was, on the run for dear life. Something had happened that she barely understood. Did they expect her to understand? She had only been here for a week for crying out loud! It was clearly something urgent. All she could comprehend were the lights. And the noises.


The words were still echoing in her mind, but she didn't understand them. Keter? Euclid? Class C? What?! Running throughout the building aimlessly was her best bet right now. At least she wasn't just idling and waiting for something to kill her. Putting in an effort to survive made her feel slightly better about the situation.

The blaring red lights and her exhaustion made her so dizzy. She couldn't go on like this, she wouldn't achieve anything on this path. A place to hide. That's what she needed right now. But every door seemed bolted shut, broken, or just... she couldn't describe it. Rotten. How did metal rot like that?

Exhaustion would surely kill her if she kept this up. She slowed to a fast walking speed, observing her surroundings as she rushed. Where the hell was she? Running aimlessly seemed like a bad idea now. She was lost. There had to be a way to navigate. Maybe someone was still inside, she reasoned. Team up. Then, even if she died, she wasn't alone.

The search for a partner ended quickly. Everywhere she searched, all she heard were screams. Human screams. People were here, but they were already dead by now. She just decided to steer away from the screams. From the sounds of stabbing. From any of those unexplainable, ungodly noises.


What's that?

She squinted down the mysterious hallway before noticing what she had found.

A door!

It was cracked open and seemed to be undamaged. She could hide there, she decided. Regain her strength.

She sprinted down towards it, hitting it with the weight of her body to swing it open all the way. It was definitely sturdy, a good source of protection.

Scanning the tiny room brought her to a realization. There was someone there. It was sitting at a desk, supposedly reading from a small notebook. She had interrupted it.

It turned to her, but not in annoyance. It seemed rather concerned. She was able to observe the appearance of this person. They were wearing a classic plague doctor outfit. Strange, she never saw anyone wearing that here. Suddenly, it spoke.

"Oh, pauvre créature. Vous semblez si effrayé. Viens ici maintenant."

The person stood up from its seat and motioned for her to come over. He seemed like the most trustworthy entity right now, so she had to trust him. She almost jogged to him, desperate for help. Once she reached him, he seemed to look around. His eyes met a bed in the corner of the room as he pointed in its direction.

"Vous semblez avoir besoin d'un endroit pour vous cacher en cette période de panique. Cela conviendrait-il? Ici, voyons."

What the hell was he saying? She had no idea. But whatever. This was her only shot at any form of assistance at this point. Everyone else in this building was either dead or dying from what she heard. All she could do was interpret the man's motions as well as she could and abide by them.

He had stepped over to the bed, her following closely behind. He turned around to face her, looked around suspiciously, and raised a blanket that covered the gap underneath the bed. The motion of putting something underneath was all that she needed in order to understand. She slid under. There was just enough room for her to be completely covered under here. He quickly glanced under the bed at her before allowing the blanket to fall back down.

She couldn't see anything, but she could definitely hear. Hear the sound of the still blaring alarms. The sound of soft footsteps across the floor, headed in the opposite direction from where she was. Then the door hinges, creaking open just slightly. The clicking of footsteps stopped briefly. Once the door sounded to have been shut, they made their way back in her direction. Not the whole way, though. They stopped at some point and were replaced by a chair being dragged out against the metal floor. The soft sound of a pencil writing.

Now, with the sirens muffled and the quiet pencil moving, she felt at ease. However, she wasn't relaxed to the point where she felt she could come out. She laid there, completely still. The sirens eventually died down and she noticed how exhausted and tired she truly was. The floor wasn't comfortable, but something about it lulled her to sleep.


Thank you so much for reading until the end of this chapter already! Make sure to like, comment, and subscribe to be a part of my givea-
Haha, I'm joking. I'm not some kind of vlogger on YouTube
Anyways, I look forward to seeing you on future chapters! Buh-bye!

The Doctor (FINISHED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt