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This is the one thing I didn't want to happen!! I haven't even logged into Wattpad for about two years, much less updated this story. I'm sorry for leaving you all hanging, even if there arent many of you!

The story in my Google Docs is almost done, I just need to remember what events I wanted to put in. There should only be 1.5 more sections to write up since I want to get this done ASAP now. That doesn't mean I won't put in the proper effort, though!! It's just that I won't be able to remember the events as well as my 14 year old self did.

Now, after a two year wait, I present to you....... A NEW CHAPTER!


     An uncomfortable silence awakened her in the middle of the night. There were no footsteps, no sound of pencil on paper. All that she could hear was the steady ticking of the clock and heavy breathing. Wait, heavy breathing. That was new. Who was doing that? She had to investigate. Almost instinctively, she knocked on the floor. No response. Whatever, she was going to be coming out anyways.

     D-1649 pushed her way out from under the bed. Standing up felt hard, given that her entire body was now stiff. While stretching, she noticed something at the Doctor's desk. 

     It was him, slouched over. He was presumably sleeping from the absence of the gold in his eyes. Notebooks were still sprawled over the table, so he must have fallen asleep while working. She couldn't help but giggle.

     "I was right," she whispered. "Fine and awake my ass!"

     All joking aside, she felt like he looked uncomfortable. Maybe it was because he was in such a position. It could have been hurting his back. She wanted to grab him and lie him down in his own bed, but there was a problem. She didn't want to risk passing out again over something so small. Instead, she decided to make his current position as comfortable as possible.

     Upon turning around, she saw the perfect solution. There was a neatly folded blanket sitting at the foot of his bed. She picked it up and gently unfolded it, almost feeling bad for undoing the perfect creases. She approached the Doctor with it in hand. 

     Reaching him, she almost froze. She stared at him. So peaceful. How cute... 


     She had to shake herself from the daze. The blanket was risen and placed over his shoulders.

There was a new presence about my shoulders, slowly pulling me from my rest.

     He shifted, made a small groan, and appeared to awaken. The golden circles reappeared in the sockets of the mask.

I rose to see Sixtine behind me, out from her hiding spot despite my lack of permission. However, I was far too tired to care tremendously.

     "Mph, Sixtine," he mumbled, barely awake. "What are you doing?"

     "I wanted to make sure you were asleep. I guess you were but... you looked uncomfortable." Her hands were placed on her hips. "You should really be sleeping in your bed, though! What you're doing right now isn't good for your back. Hah, I'm not even a doctor and I knew that!"

     He grabbed the blanket, pulling it tighter around himself.

Covering me up in such a way certainly was a kind gesture.

     "I can assure you that my position is of no problem."

     She began pulling his chair out from the desk.

     "Bed time. Now."

     His head fell off of the desk, taking a notebook with it. This only prompted him to sit upright, slightly more awake now. 

     "If it will allow you to be content, then I shall lie in the bed. But I must clean these entries before that happens."

     He reached for the notebook that fell to the floor, but she snatched it faster.

     "I'll take care of it. Now go."

     "If you do insist. Do make sure that they are in alphabetical order on their respective shelf."

     The Doctor began shuffling over to his bed as D-1649 picked up the notebooks. The urge to flip through a few of them overtook her. It wasn't for the information; she still couldn't read his code. The sketches that he scattered throughout them were messy, albeit impressive. 

     One journal that she picked up simply had "Sixtine" engraved on the spine. She flipped through it more curiously than with the others. After all, she wanted to know why he had a diary solely for her. It was more plentiful in sketches than the others. In fact, it was common for several pages in a row to be dedicated to the drawings. Could this be a sign of her liking her back? Perhaps, but she decided to save the embarrassment of the Doctor and herself and kept her thoughts hidden. 

     After arranging the notebooks back in the bookshelf parallel to the door, D-1649 decided that it was time to lay back down. She stopped next to the bed before going under.

     There was the Doctor, curled up and facing the wall. She felt as if she was watching her own child sleep. He looked so peaceful, so comfortable.

     She had to shake herself out of the daze again. Did she have some kind of chronic staring problem? People are usually uncomfortable with others looking at them while they sleep, she reminded herself. She slipped back under the bed and slept some more.


About time, right?? I will be waiting a bit to post the other parts, since I do have to figure out what the hell is going on (I stopped writing in the middle of a chapter for some reason??), but I will try to take a shorter hiatus than my last one!!! Pinky promise!

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