3. Well, that's what the future alpha thinks about it anyway!

Start from the beginning

Instead, I said, "I think so too."
But call it a gut feeling or whatever, I knew what the result was going to be.


I could feel the coolness of the metal bench seep into my bare thighs. I wouldn't have worn a short skirt if I had known the hospital would have such uncomfortable seats.

My gaze involuntarily moved from person to person in the small waiting room. Expectant mothers smiling and chatting with each other and other women present for their regular checkups. I was pretty sure none of their reasons for coming to the hospital was half as entertaining or dramatic as mine. Certainly, none of them had come to the hospital with their ex best friend and ex boyfriend to see if they had conceived a baby together.

Honestly, I had no idea what I am doing here!

I shifted uncomfortably at the thought. I thought if I occupied my mind with something else, the irony and bitterness of the situation wouldn't haunt me.

I sneaked a look at the two people sitting across me and couldn't help but wonder how drastically our world had changed in such a short span of time.

I hadn't said a word to either of them since I had entered the room. Me and Harper had decided yesterday that it would be a good idea to not disclose anything to anyone about what had happened. So, Samantha and Aiden had no idea what kind of storm was brewing right under their noses. Moreover, they were newly mates and I didn't want to trouble them with everything that had been happening.

We had decided that we would only disclose about the pregnancy to Harper's parents and only if the baby was Harper's. We hadn't exactly planned anything because I just wanted to leave as soon as possible. I couldn't handle looking at either of them.

So, all in all, nobody knew that the three of us were sitting in the waiting room of a hospital, eagerly waiting for our appointment, or rather Natalie's appointment.

A nurse walked opened the door and slipped inside the room. She held a clipboard in her hand and had been calling out the names of people to check in for their appointments. She once again looked at the clipboard and called out for Natalie.

My thought process halted and I felt sweat form in various parts of my body. This was it, I guess.

Natalie and Harper both stood up from their respective seats and the nurse smiled at them. "The doctor will see you both in a couple of minutes. Go down the hall and step inside the second door from left."

For the first time since I entered the room, I looked the both of them in the eye, only to find both of them looking at me, gauging my reaction. Looking at the both of them together, ready to go for the paternity test made me realise I wasn't exactly needed here at this moment.

They both looked like shit and I took pleasure in seeing them like this. I mean, I shouldn't have, but I did. Seeing them distraught and out of focus, made me happy because they had done the same thing with me.

Natalie opened her mouth to say something but before she could, Harper gave me a subtle nod and walked away in the direction of the room they were asked to go to.

I released a deep breath as I watched the both of them disappear down the bend in the hall. I just couldn't bear to look at either of them and yet, here I was waiting for their paternity test.

Again, what the fuck am I doing here?!

My weary gaze moved again from person to person and I recognized several people from the pack. They tried more to sought my eyes and gave me subtle nods or bows as a form of respect for their future Luna.

Future Luna?! I scoffed at the thought.

I wonder how the pack would feel when they would come to know that their alpha had impregnated another she wolf, when their Luna was all fine and dandy.

That was exactly why we had decided to keep this matter a secret. It wouldn't do any good to publicise this situation before knowing any of the facts. Otherwise, it would be full chaos.

Well, that's what the future alpha thinks about it anyway!

I pulled out my phone from my jeans pocket and started playing with it. Anything which could not make me think about anything would be a welcome entertainment.

"Zara? What are you doing here?"

My phone slipped from my hands at the sound of the familiar voice.



I'm really sorry guys for not updating. Seems like I have been apologising again and again on the same account.

See, apart from my busy schedule (which I think you already know about), I really didn't know what to write in this chapter. I knew in which direction would go, I just had to think a LOT to finally pen it down into words. I know that it's not entirely up to the mark of doesn't contain any much awaited dram, but I do hope that it satisfies you in some way.

Anyway, Who do you think the familiar voice belongs to?

If you liked what you read, let me know.


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