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Marinette tried to touch Alya but when she transformed Marinette flew backwards and hit the wall then feel on the floor. She looked up at Alya with a horrified look on her face.
Revanger: Don't worry Marinette. I'm gonna make him pay for what he's done.
Revanger teleported out of the room. Marinette was still in shock. Then Tikki flew up in her face and she got back to earth. She then saw the fox miraculous on the floor and picked it up. Marinette put it in her purse then transformed. 
Adrien and Nino sat on a park bench and laughed
Nino: y'know that Alya gal will rip you apart right?
Adrien: she can try-
Revanger landed right in front of them and pointed her finger at Adrien.
Adrien: Marinette?!?!?
Revanger grabbed his collar
Revanger: think again ass!
Nino grabbed Revanger's cape and pulled her backwards, Adrien then ran away. Revanger then turned to Nino and glared at him. He laughed nervously. Revanger were right about to rip off his head when a red yo-yo got wrapped around the boy's waist and he got pulled up in the air. Ladybug landed in an alley not that far away and put Nino down.
Ladybug: run and hide! Chat Noir and I will take care of this
Nino: how about Carapace and Rena Rouge?
Ladybug: they're not avaliable right now
Chat Noir came flying in the air 'seriously? Again?! Why aren't you that easy to blow away for me?!' Ladybug thought as she caught Chat Noir. He looked up at her as she dropped him.
Chat Noir: wait where's Rena?
Ladybug: she's... not available right now, but come on Chat we gotta beat Revanger!
Chat Noir nodded as the two teenagers jumped away. Not knowing that a certain boy ran after them. As soon as they reached Revanger they stopped to make up a plan
Ladybug: okay you distract her while I summon my-
Chat Noir: wait my Lady, do we even know what her power is?
Ladybug: you've got a point there...
Ladybug looked over at Revanger. She saw a boy who were running away with a girls doll. She was running after him in tears. Then Revanger's glasses glowed and a strong light beam hit the boy. He froze in the spot and the girl got her doll back, she then ran away for her life.
Ladybug: looks like her power is to bring revange to the ones who's been badly treated
Chat Noir: intresting... okay back to the plan, I distract her and you summon your lucky charm
Ladybug nodded as Chat Noir jumped at Revanger. She turned around and avoided him in last second.
Revanger: get in my way one more time and I'll freeze you forever, stray!
Chat Noir: we'll see about that, Ms. Justice
Revanger aimed her light beam at Chat Noir but he was pulled away by a certain yo-yo in last second.
Ladybug: ARE YOU INSANE?! We gotta be careful!
Chat Noir: sorry M'lady
Chat looked over at Ladybug's lucky charm and raised an eyebrow.
Chat Noir: so how's a teacup gonna save us? Are you gonna invite her to a tea party or what?
Ladybug: not really Chat, we need a little back-up, and I think I know who...
Ladybug looked chat in the eyes
Chat Noir: you mean Carapace?
Ladybug nodded as Chat stood up. He then noticed that Revanger were gone.
Ladybug: go get Carapace, I'll recharge and go after Revanger
Chat Noir: be careful
Ladybug giggled and looked at Chat Noir playfully as she grabbed her yo-yo 
Ladybug: when am I not?
she said as she swung away. Chat Noir smiled at her before he went away to master Fu's place. Once he had gotten the miraculous, he grabbed his staff and were about to call Nino as he left the house. But once he got outside he saw Nino running up to him from afar. Chat got a little mad
Chat Noir: dude! Why the hell did you follow me?! You're not supposed to know where this place is!
Nino: I'm sorry dude, but when I heard that Lb told you to get Carapace I thought it'd save time if I followed you.
Chat Noir sighed
Chat Noir: just forget that this place exist okay?
Nino nodded as Chat gave him the bracelet
Revanger got closer and closer to the Agreste mansion. On the way she froze all the people who were being mean or mistreated others. Ladybug watched her. She was worried. She then shaked it off. 'C'mon Dupain-Cheng, you gotta save Alya' she thought as she jumped up in the air, swinign her yo-yo in circles and aiming for Revanger. Revanger turned around and looked at ladybug for a second before she grabbed her head in pain. Seconds later she snapped out of it and manipulated the wind. The wind blew backwards and so did Ladybug. She flew backwards in the air, screaming. She tried to swing her yo-yo but lost a hold of it. She then closed her eyes, preparing herself to hit the concrete ground. When suddenly someone caught her. She opened her eyes to see Chat Noir holding her bridal style and Carapace next to him, with her yo-yo in his hands. She sighed in relief
Ladybug: thanks for the sa-
Chat Noir: we'll won't you look at this Carapace? This is what I call a purr-fect cat-ch
Carapace laughed as ladybug frowned
Ladybug: okay Chat put me down
Chat Noir: as M'ladybug wishes
Chat Noir said as he put Ladybug down.
Carapace: okay so what's the plan?
Ladybug: let's see what my lucky charm gives me, can I get my yo-yo back, Carapace?
Carapace: 'course dudee-eaah- I mean Ladydude- uh bug!
Carapace said as he gave Ladybug her yo-yo back
Ladybug: It's okay Carapace, you can call me whatever you want I guess
Ladybug summoned a new Lucky Charm.
Chat Noir: a towel? Is it summer season again? Well I wouldn't mind showing of my swim suit~
Ladybug: shut it Chat. I'll figure out something
Ladybug said as the three heroes jumped away to catch up to Revanger.

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