part 2

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i opened the door and stepped inside to the comforting warmth of the cafe. this cafe holds many memories and i have not once ever walked out of here in a bad mood. with the various potted plants and inspirational boards, how could it? it was where i was first invited out to after meeting alex and aksel at school and from that point on, it became our place. we'd come here so often that almost every time we arrived, the baristas would already have our orders prepared for us. but of course, our visits began to become less and less frequent after my relationship with alex spiralled downwards. now, whenever i come here, it would usually only be with aksel.

the scent of fresh coffee filled the air and encapsulated me; causing me to close my eyes for a brief second to inhale the sweet aroma. that moment of first walking into this place never gets old. i returned back to reality and looked to my left to see alex sitting at one of the round wooden tables. his head was down and i could see that he was too distracted by his phone to notice that i had walked in. i reluctantly began to head my way towards the table and stood directly in front of him, looking down at his beanie covered head.

he looked up at me, revealing his widened eyes. his eyebrows then suddenly lowered after realising it was me and he let out a little groan.

i rolled my eyes. "gee, thanks for the warm welcome. so happy you're glad to see me."

"whatever," i heard him say in a low voice, still looking downwards at his phone with his cheek now resting upon his upright arm on the table.

i slid myself down onto the seat across from him and sighed as i leaned backwards and crossed my arms. what a great way to start the morning, i thought to myself.

i heard the door open and turned around to see a tall lanky figure walk in wearing bright colours. my harsh expression softened at the sight of aksel and i uncrossed my arms.

"hey guys," he smiled as he walked towards us, sitting himself down in the seat between alex and i.

"hey aksel," alex and i both simultaneously said, pushing ourselves upwards in our seats. we looked at each other blankly in response to our harmonious reply.

aksel chuckled and rested both of his arms onto the table, leaning in towards the middle of the table.
"so.. how are my besties doin'?"

alex and i looked at each other once again before turning away shortly - this time waiting for the other to respond first.

i turned my head towards aksel. "please don't say 'besties' ever again, egg head," i finally said.

the corner of alex's mouth lifted into a small smirk.

aksel leaned over towards me and stared dead straight in my eyes, his face close to mine. "whatever you say..."
his lips began to purse.

"oh don't you fucking dare-" i tried interrupting his sentence but failed.

"-BESTie," he overemphasised.

i exhaled out of my nose and shook my head whilst looking downwards, trying to hold back from laughing.

alex grinned. "alright, let's order our coffee already before we end up being late."

"okay, boomer," aksel tilted his head towards him.

alex gave him a disapproving look while i giggled.

hey, alex didn't seem too bad today. maybe things between him and me are getting better? i questioned to myself.

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hey everyone !
hope you've been enjoying so far. i've got sooo much planned for this story i'm super excited - lot's of juicy emotional shit  :')
i think you all would really like it so stay tuned and let me know what you think !

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