Chapter 48: You're Not Alone

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        Percy headed straight for the shower, his sweat covered shirt practically clinging to his body. His stomach roared in hunger, but for now, he ignored it. He would get plenty of blue foods later.

        After hopping in the shower, he enjoyed the cool water for a while. When his stomach was giving him bad pains, however, he decided to get out so he could head to the kitchen for a quick snack. That was his first mistake.

        He yanked up his pants and boxers, then rummaged through his clothes in attempt to find a non-ripped or blood stained shirt (which was nearly impossible). An almost inaudible noise was picked up by his ears somewhere outside of the ship. He ignored it, and that was his second mistake.

        Finally, Percy was able to find a plain gray shirt that looked somewhat better and cleaner than the others. He pulled it over his head smoothly. It was silent. Percy looked around his room, eyes scanning over every inch. Satisfied, he headed for the door.

        Suddenly, a hand clamped over his mouth. Percy tried to scream, but found it impossible. He kicked and squirmed, trying to escape from his kidnapper's arms that were locked around him. It was no use. The kidnapper was obviously bigger and stronger than he was. In a weak attempt to warn the others, he knocked over a seashell sitting on his dresser. It clunked onto the carpet, barely making a sound. Then, Percy felt something hit the back of his head, and everything became dark around him. He fell limp in the captor's arms, head lolled to the side.

        When he faded back into consciousness, he found himself in the throne room of the gods. Dazed and confused, Percy hoped that his father had rescued him or any god actually. He thought maybe the gods were kidnapped, too. Maybe it was Gaea. What he wasn't expecting, however, was Zeus himself to walk out with a traitorous smirk, the keys to the chains wrapped around Percy's hands spinning around on his fingers. 

        "Zeus?" Percy whispered, head pounding. Maybe he was hallucinating, but it sure felt real to him.

        Zeus sighed, "Perseus Jackson. It's a shame that we have to meet like this, but I really had no other choice. Poseidon was being...uncooperative, and well, we needed to give him an incentive to help change his mind." Zeus motioned at Percy. "Who better to use than his own son?"

        Percy yanked against his chains, feeling them scraping his wrists painfully with every rough tug. It was no use, anyway, they wouldn't budge. Percy couldn't break through pure metal.

        "What did you do to him?" Percy hissed. "Why are you doing this?"

        Zeus walked closer, heels smacking against the floor. “Nothing, yet, but now that I have you…” He trailed off ominously, pulling out a knife from his back pocket. Percy pulled harder, trying desperately to get away from the insane god. As the knife touched his skin, he was sure that it wasn’t just a hallucination. The pain was real. The cut made down his arm was bleeding and hurting.

        “Do the other gods agree to this?” Percy growled. “You’re a monster!”

        “The other gods will have to agree,” He responded, “or else they may just find their children bleeding out on the floor during the war.”

        Percy gasped in understanding. “You’re blackmailing them? You’re threatening their children if they don’t support you in your sudden random hatred of Poseidon for absolutely no reason.”

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