Chapter 25: Questions and No Answers

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            Percy could smell Aphrodite's perfume from a mile away. She entered the room so boldly that it was hard to believe the Gods were supposedly forbidden to interacting with demigods.

            "Oh, Percy!" She cried out dramatically, practically collapsing in his arms. He patted her back awkwardly. "I heard about Annabeth! I'm SO sorry! I hate to see a perfect couple like you two break up! Plus my daughter and that Jason Grace! They were an amazing couple! I just hate to see them go!"

            Percy stopped her right there. "Wait a minute--Jason and Piper broke up?! When did this happen? I didn't think they would break up!" He ran a hand through his messy black hair. "I didn't mean to break anyone up."

            "Percy, Percy, Percy," Aphrodite cooed. "always blaming yourself, just like a true hero. How modest of you. I'm surprised the Daughter of Athena hasn't already gotten back together with you."

            "Well, like you pointed out, she doesn't remember me," Percy muttered smartly. "What are you even doing here?"

            Aphrodite scoffed. "Well isn't it obvious? I came to get you all fancied up for her! After all, you're not going to woo her back that." She studied Percy for a brief moment, looking over him.

            Percy groaned, walking away from Aphrodite. He really wasn't in the mood at the moment. Plus, as if anything would even help! She was so convinced that they were natural enemies, anyways.

            "Things will all go right for you, Percy," Aphrodite said softly. Percy forgot she could read his thoughts. Whoops.

            "This is a test. This is my last test and Annabeth's last test. How, though--please tell me how I can get her to remember. Please. I need your help." He begged desperately, staring at her gray eyes with his green ones.

            Aphrodite sighed sadly and strode away from him. She cast her glance out the window like some woman on a soap opera would do when they were upset. "I'm afraid I can't help you, Percy. Gaea was the one who took her memories away, not me. I can't do anything about it. I can't help you against Gaea's powers." She paused. "I have to go. Zeus mustn't know I'm here. I'm truly sorry."

            Then, in a flash, she was gone. That was when Percy heard a large THUMP echo from outside of the cabins. He stood up and headed towards the loud noise. He jogged up on deck to find Jason breathing heavily, covered in monster dust. None of the others were around, but they all soon began to come up, as well.

            "Jason, are you okay?" Hazel questioned worriedly as she scanned over him for any sign of damage on his body.

            "Fine, just fine," Jason coughed, gasping for breath. "Just a few cuts and maybe a broken rib. Nothing ambrosia and nectar can't fix up."

            "Jason, you could've gotten seriously hurt," Percy frowned. "We could've helped you. We could've been--" Jason glared at Percy.

            "You shouldn't even be speaking to me right now," Jason hissed. "Not after what you did to me. I don't need your help! I can do it by myself perfectly fine." He motioned to the dust covering the floorboards.

            "I didn't mean to do anything to affect your relationship, Jason. And as for the helping thing, you're my friend, and I didn't want you to get hurt."

            "That was my physical test," Jason told him. "I had to do it myself. You were the one who caused the storm. You were the one who almost cost Piper her life just because you were being stupid and reckless with your powers."

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