Chapter seven: No Love Lost (Part two)

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Chapter seven: No Love Lost (Part two)

 “What did she do?”, Kristi whispered.

“Kristi, she is an evil bitch. She doesn’t needs to do anything.” Sam stated in a monotonous voice.

 “I get that she is a bitch. I think so because she might have murdered my family for fun and then proceeded to lie about it. But why do you want to kill her? It is quite clear that you guys have had some kind of rom-antic history, haven’t you? So what caused this trouble in paradise?” Kristi had wondered that for a long time, she knew that Will was definitely cute in his own innocent way but he hardly looked Candace’s type and Candace had never mentioned either Will or Sam’s name.

“I can’t tell you, it is confidential.” Sam muttered abashed.

“What? You look like the type of guy that loves to kiss and tell. Come on give me something better, I was hoping for at least a “Kilroy was there”. ” She said pointing at Candace and instantly regretted it. They were going at it like they had been sex deprived for a century. Well, Mr. Will Halder the innocent vampire might actually have done just that.

“I would love to tell you, but then I would have to kill you.” Kilroy replied in a nonchalant voice but somehow Kristi knew that he wasn’t kidding about the killing part.

Suddenly Kristi felt her jeans vibrate, she glanced at the screen and picked up the phone instantly. She mouthed ‘Candace’ in Sam’s ear and then ran away from him, her steps treading soundlessly. 

“Where are you?”, Candace said, her tone unusually nice.

“At the hotel.” Kristi whispered wondering what her majesty wanted from her now.

“Get here now.” Her sickly sweet voice made Kristi want to wring out Candace’s neck.

She started putting her phone back in her pocket and walking towards Will’s door when she was pulled back by Sam. He was quite sneaky if not just a little bit creepy.

“Ma’am wants me to meet your dear friend William. This is going to be interesting”, Kristi belted the words out softly. Sam gave her an apprehensive look.

“Are you?” Kristi tried to curb her giggling. “Are you worried about me?”

“Never”, he grunted too fast. “It is just that I am afraid that…”

“Afraid that Will might hurt me?”, she bent over silently laughing, tears coming out of her eyes. It was fun teasing both of these badass softies.

“No! I am afraid that you will blow our cover.”

“Sure whatever you say Sam.” She said as she walked away from him to meet Candace.


Candace sat on the couch while Will was getting some bottled blood for her, little did he know that her dinner’s carcass was lying near the railway tracks. Candace glanced at her phone as she heard the door opposite to the couch open. That girl was fast.

Kristi walked through the door to see Candace turning her neck to glance at her and William coming out of the kitchen with a tray containing two wine glasses filled with blood. He dropped the tray as soon as he looked up and saw her. As much as Kristi wanted to smirk at him, she stayed straight-faced until Candace rushed to help Will.


What in the world was she doing here? Will wondered, his jaw dropping open in bafflement as the tray slipped from his hands. Candace stood up from the couch to help him, he could see the amusement in Kristina’s eyes. His mouth pulled down in a frown. He cleaned the mess moving as fast as possible so he could get the girl out from his- his and Candace’s apartment. This thought brought a smile to his face.

“Hey sweety, meet Kristi. She is a friend of mine.”

Before William could tell Candace that he had already met Kristi or was it Kristina? He saw Kristi shaking her head profusely with a finger over mouth signing him to shut up. The embarrassment of the last meeting with her was yet to wear off so William decided that shutting up was the best option in this scenario.

Kristi came forward and shook his hand, “Nice to meet you William. I have heard a lot about you from Candace.” William smiled deliriously. She still loved him. His life was back on track. Everything was just great.



(A/N: The sequel would circle around Khetaks and I am quite busy so it will take some time. Thankyou for still sticking with this. :) )

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