Chapter Two: Beauty is a curse.

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Chapter Two: Beauty is a curse

William sat on the bench just a few steps from the hospital. It was clear to him that the girl "Morgan Smith" was the one in the news. But he was in severe denial, he kept muttering under his breath, ¨She couldn´t be dead...¨.  William mentally was no more outside the hospital bench, he was in a different city, different time.

He had stalked so many blonde girls till now that he had lost count. Always hoping, that one girl to be Candace and the sheer disappointment when she didn’t turn out to be her. But then the disappointment would turn into longing and that raised the ugly head of rage.

He saw a girl standing at the bus-stop, hair as blonde as Candace, their length, almost the same. He sneaked closer to her in hope of seeing her face. Hope flamed in his almost dead heart once more, willing her to be Candace, to make give some explanation about disappearing and run into his arms.

To his disappointment, the look-alike spoke too soon. Her voice was nothing like the sweet but commanding voice of Candace. William flinched at her voice and the hope was crushed once more. The monster in him had to be sated. 

He lunged for the girl, unwary of the danger he was putting himself in. The girl´s eyes dilated in fear which gave a twisted pleasure to him, one sick crunch and she was dead, he didn´t even want to feed on her or even touch her more than necessary. He dragged the body to a dumpster and went off in search of Candace.

William was afraid of returning to his old ways, the century he searched for her he killed innocent girls for the mere fault of not being her. He did not want to become the weak person who would long for her and kill for her. It had taken him a lot of time to barely move on, he could not, should not fall back. 

Will hadn´t even thought of candy girl as Candace except that one time he compared her hair. William was vehemently opposing the idea of being the animal that mutilated Morgan, though somewhere on the back of his mind, he was not so sure. 

After all, he had done this before, stalking innocent and some not so innocent girls and then killing them without a second thought. All in vain to forget that voice, those laughs haunting his mind, that strawberry smell of her attacking his senses.  Always.

William was pulled out of his reverie by a passing car. He cursed at himself for running out of the hospital, that reaction of his to the girl´s corpse would surely raise questions. He hurried back to the mortuary.

The doctor was examining her body, William was almost reluctant to go inside, but he went on. ¨Where would you run off to? Too much for you to take? ¨, the doctor chuckled. William grabbed on the excuse that Doctor Parkinson provided him and simply nodded.

¨This is nothing my son, there was this man´s dead body...¨ Dr. Parkinson carried on, he was one of those people who loved silent listeners or maybe the awkward silence in the grave place was unbearable for him.


William wanted candies, but he was reluctant to head towards the same old shop as it would remind him of Morgan. He decided to go to the candy shop near the beach and maybe make a detour for the beach on his way back home.

He did need to clear his head after all and getting a tan won´t be bad, the pale gaunt look was not in the trend anymore. He made his way for the bus stop but then decided to take a taxi, even though it would be heavy on his pocket and would delay buying a car.

The taxi driver honked loudly on reaching the beach to get Will´s attention, who was lost in his thoughts in the back seat. Will hurried out of the taxi and paid the driver. Will proceeded towards the candy shop and due to his distressed mood, he cut to the chase and right away crept towards a young brunette speaking on the phone. 

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