Is that what people did South of the Wall? Take people's blood? What could her blood possibly do to help someone?

"Someone once told me that there's magic in King's blood," Stanns informed Torra, referring to Melisandre, not that she knew that though, "It worked once for me, it'll work again."

"I don't have King's blood," Torra pointed out to him, a deeply puzzled look on her face.

"I don't believe that's true, Torra," Stannis argued in a calm, yet stern tone, "You're descended from the Starks on your father's side, the Kings in the North who ruled centuries ago," He paused, noticing how she looked taken aback by the fact that he knew that she was a descendant of the Starks, "And on your mother's side, you're descended from a queen. Her. The Queen of the Free Folk."

"What do you plan on doing with my 'King's blood'?" She asked in a mocking tone, only to get no answer in return, "I deserve to know why I'm going to be killed. Don't you think?"

"It'll be used to kill the usurpers trying to take my throne. Robb Stark. Lyanna Lannister. Eddard Lannister. And Daenerys Targaryen." He explained, earning a loud scoff from Freyja.

She didn't know who "Daenerys Targaryen" was, but in all honesty, she did not care. However, what did catch her attention was the mention of Lyanna and Eddard. Did people South of the Wall really believe it was okay to hurt children?

First Qhorin Halfhand tried to kill her and then her mother, who was pregnant with her little brother. Then, the assassin who tried to kill Lyanna in her sleep. And now Stannis? A king, of all people, willing to kill a child? She couldn't believe it. Her mother wanted to live a life South of the Wall so badly, but honestly, Torra didn't understand why.

It was a total shit show. And that was coming from the nine-year-old girl who liked to "poke people with swords to see them bleed", as Robb Stark put it.

Torra scoffed loudly after hearing Stannis' words, "Lyanna and Eddard are babies. What threat could they be to your throne?" She found herself asking, a horrified look appearing on her face at the thought of the man standing before hurting little Lyanna and Eddard.

"More than you might think," Stannis pointed out to Torra, who still couldn't wrap her head around the whole ordeal.

"Lyanna and Eddard are four years old!" She exclaimed, giving him a look of disbelief.

"Lyanna is a Queen now that her mother is dead, even if she's only four years old. She is the eldest daughter of the King of the North and Annalys Lannister. She has the blood of three Great Houses of Westeros running through her veins. Stark. Lannister. And Tully.  She has a lot more power than you may think."

With that, Stannis stood up and left, leaving Torra to think about what he had said. Annalys had taught her a lot about Westeros, but she still didn't understand it all. She couldn't wrap her head around the thought of Lyanna being a threat to the King just because she was Robb and Annalys' daughter. She was nowhere near a threat. All the little girl did was shout at people and push her twin brother. How could she be a threat to Stannis?


    In the Westerlands, the gates of Casterly Rock opened and the knights were allowed in. The Wildlings stayed outside, however, clearly not wanting to be there to meet with Annalys' nightmare of a mother. That was what Robb told them, at least. Robb walked up to Jaime, who stood with Cersei.

"Where is she? Where's my daughter?" Cersei desperately asked, near tears, but Robb didn't answer, "It's been months and she hasn't returned! She should be here. Where is she?"

KINGDOM FALL | ROBB STARK  [1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang