Animal metaphors

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3rd person p.o.v

"We are never going to be invited anywhere cool again, and why, because we have TAILS!" Cleo exclaimed getting a glass of water and filling it up.

"Because we got tails my swimming career is over." Emma intervened while taking orange juice out of the fridge and pouring it to a glass.

"I just have one question; why me?, I didn't ask for any of this to happen." Cleo said while making a little water droplet and bringing it up to her mouth to drink.

"You think  you have problems I've been training to swim since I was six months old," Emma started, she put a popsicle stick into her glass of orange juice and freezing it with her power.

"Well say goodbye to that now cause, were Mer-freaks" Cleo said. "You two are so unbelievable" Rikki started. Scarlett was just standing there deep in thought about the whole situation and Daniel snuck in there a couple times.

"Look at yourselves, your drinking water from mid air, and Emma you just made an instant icy pop, anybody else would love to do this, you both have these amazing powers and all your doing is, whine, whine, whine. I don't even have a power, do you hear me complaining. No, well I've had enough, I don't want to hang around with a bunch of whiners. C'mon Scar. " Rikki ranted to Cleo and Emma.

"Ya know I totally agree with her, you guys should listen to yourselves once in a while and maybe you will find what Rikki and I hear." Scarlett said walking out with Rikki.

Emma just looked at Cleo after the other two left,  mouth wide open. "I know how she feels, sometimes I even don't want to hang around me." Cleo said.


At the juice net cafe Cleo was sitting with Lewis and Daniel. "Lewis, Daniel what do you guys think of  Rikki and Scarlett?" Cleo questioned the two males.

"You know those stonefish that kinda look like a rock?  They could shoot enough poison to kill an entire football team, she reminds me of one of those. " Lewis said describing Rikki.

Cleo turned towards Daniel wondering what he thought of Scarlett. "Well, Scarlett is like, if we're using animal metaphors, she is like a snake, she trys to not get involved with something and if you provoke her she will bite, a venomous one at that." Daniel finished.

Soon everyone in the cafe started clapping because Byron walked in. "Thanks, guys" He said to the entire cafe. Cleo walked over to him. "Congratulations Byron, you must be getting up there" She praised.

"Control yourself Cleo" Zane said beside Byron. "Hey Zane, you look dry that must be different. Lewis said taunting Zane. Zane then walked over to where Lewis and Daniel were. "Look, Lewis I don't know what happened with the fire hydrant, but if you so much as mention it again, I'll have your head." Zane threatened.

"Oh bug off dude, your all talk" Daniel told the rich boy. Zane turned towards Daniel. "You might want to be careful there White, Scarlett doesn't even like someone like you, I bet she will only like me." Zane smirked. Daniel got up quickly and pulled on Zane's shoulder when he was walking out.

"Let it go Daniel." Cleo told The brunette. Byron started walking over. "It's not worth it mate, and will it change him, no" Bryron told him. Everyone started to go back to their seats with Zane being talked to by the manager.

Cleo walked back over to where Lewis and Daniel were and sat down. "Byron is such a nice guy. Emma's right we should go to Miriam's party to show some support for him, I mean what a hero" Cleo said dreamily.

"Great we'll go, you think, great, whatever blows your hair back. Cleo I don't get you on minute you say your going and then your not and now your going again. " Lewis said getting his stuff and leaving.

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