Chapter 3 - The Bite

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Surprisingly, it didn't hurt at all. It was just quite the foreign feeling. I felt a cold liquid entering my veins but quickly warming up in my system. When Toothless backed off, the wound healed immediately, leaving a pale bite mark on my arm.

"Did it work?", someone asked! I jumped.
"Who's there? Show yourself!", I demanded panickly.

I heard laughter. "I'm right in front if you! It's me! Toothless!"
My eyes widened. "But... how?!"

He started explaining: "When I bit you, I gave you the gift of a Night Fury. I can gift it to another living beeing just once in my entire life. Now you are part Night Fury and my real brother by blood. I gave you wings. As long as you're flying with them, you can see. I can teach you how to use them. Your wings and your supportive tail fins are hidden, as long as youbdon't want them to be seen. My whole family was killed by a mad man named Grimmel the Grizzly before I could chop of the head of his from their shoulders. I had no one until now. Please be my real brother Hiccup! And when the time has come, we'll leave this wet joke of an island once and for all. You're official my brother. No dragon will harm you ever again and I will always be with you, Hiccup! What do you say?"

I was speakless but nodded. A smile crept up my face. "Yes Toothless! That's the best plan I've ever heard!", I said happily.

I felt a cold wind around us. "Toothless it's getting late! Would you mind telling me in which state the sun's shinig?" "It's almost dawn, Hiccup! You should go back! Your tribe is surely asking itself where you are.", Toothless stated.

"I don't think they'd miss me at all but... I guess you're right. I should go back! See ya soon buddy?", I asked cautiously. "Yes! I'll be here everyday. If I'm gone, just wait for me! I'm propably out fishing." I nodded, packed my things and hid them at the usual spot.

I waved goodbye and walked towards the exit, when Toothless said a last thing: "Hiccup... if the other hatchlings are picking on you again... don't be afraid to teach them a lesson and if you ever join this dragon killing class... forced or in free will... please don't kill my kind! They won't hurt you! They can smell the Night Fury scent in your blood!"

"I promise!", I said to my new found friend and brother and left into the woods towards the village.

Way shorter than last time but I decided to split the chapter! It was just too long! xD I'm currently writing on a new story! It's called "The Outcast" and is in german!

Way shorter than last time but I decided to split the chapter! It was just too long! xD I'm currently writing on a new story! It's called "The Outcast" and is in german!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

As soon as I get this book finished, I'll start uploading chapters for this beauty!^^

Preview: Was tust du, wenn dein eigener Stamm dich verbannt, für etwas was nicht als Verbrechen anerkannt werden darf? Was wenn du dich mit einem Verrückten verbündest, welcher für dich wie ein Vater geworden ist? Was tust du, wenn von dir unmögliches verlangt wird? Auf jeden fall nicht aufgeben...

See ya!^^ ♡♡

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