Chapter 1 - Boots and Iron

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I opened my eyes and enjoyed the familiar sight of... pitch black. The reason why my father don't want me to move a muscle before someone helps me.

My name's Hiccup! Great name I know, but it's not the worst. Right now I'm exact 7 years old. While other myaged go to an apprenticeship, I'm stuck in here. I hate being blind. No one thinks that I could do anything alone. Not even dressing myself! It's so embarrassing to get up and to get dressed by my biological father, Gobber, my father by heart and let's be honest - better father or even by some random villagers when both are busy.

One time, I got the stairs down without help and dad immediately brought me to Gothi, our healer, like I hurted myself. After she confirmed that I'm still blind and except of that perfectly fine, I got punished with room arrest for freakin' 1 month! But that was 3 years ago. That was before my dad had let my shoes getting costumized.

These were now equipped with iron plates on the sole, what has caused them to constantly make a clattering noise while walking so they could track me down when I'd walk through the village. But at the very same day he took the boots in action, which incidentally worked very well, I noticed something! When I'd walk, concentrating on the noises of the shoes, could I 'hear' when the sound hit something?!

It's hard to describe but after that day, the sound became my ally and I was more than just determined to MAKE myself see. Differently but still... well... kind of that what everybody else is doing without being thankful for this gift.

At first I focused only on the noise. As I mastered it in the end as I could do it in my sleep, I continued with teaching myself to be able to follow conversations at the same time. I also started training my other senses. I could hear a squirrel from a mile away against the wind if I'd want to! I could smell from 3 metres away if a plant is edible or not! I could taste like every ingredient outta a meal and so on! And I could see! No colors but kinda in shades of grey.

Now, 8 years later at the age of 15, and after plenty of practice, I created a odel of my surroundings completly by myself and I could orientate alone without help. I always had two stones or pieces of scrap metal near my bed so even if I don't wore my boots, I could participate my kind of seeing.

In the nights, I went to the forge and started teaching myself blacksmithing. Now I am, if you allow me to say so, even better than Gobber, our acting blacksmith, himself. Beneath this, I also taught myself to use swords, axes, hammers, bludgeons, spears, bows, daggers, shields, some easy self defence and many, MANY fighting styles. Give me a reason and I'll turn into an unstoppable warmachine!

I was so proud of myself but everything changed, as I went that day in the forest...

I'm so sorry for letting you wait! I lost my phone! (I got it back now^^) I'll publish more often! It takes so long for me 'cause I'm also editing lots of stuff I don't like anymore! Well... hope you like this part!<333

Blind  (HTTYD runaway FF)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora