Chapter 2 - Night Fury

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I wore my common green shirt and brown pants. As add on, I got my new selfmade belt with a crystal, I found recently in the woods and my new shoulder pads out of Gronckle iron.

At the last raid, a Gronckle must have eaten some strange stones, 'cause he fired at me with a different lava. I hid near the area, letting my father know that Gobber'll look after me.

He agreed and when I was left alone, I kind of took the slightly dried up lava and made stuff outta it. My whole pride is a sword I like to call Inferno.

It ignites on command and has a integrated Zipplebackgas- canister to create a little explosion. I also created a shield that can transform into a crossbow for example, my shoulder pads, some daggers and replacements for my iron- boots!

Gronckle iron kinda makes a clearer sound than normal metal! It makes it incredible easier for me to 'see'! I even hammered it as thin as a string and after ut cooled down, it was like a fabric. I sewed it into my clothes.

No arrow can shooth through it. No sword can pass it. The only thing that happens are bruises. Whatever...

Fully clothed, I made my way through the forests of Berk. I walked to the cove just off Ravens Point. My common training grounds!

The good thing is, if the village is the only bright spot on the island, then you are the most far away at Ravens Point from it. You have your peace! I entered the cove and walked to the spot where I kept my weapons hidden. I attatched a few daggers on my belt.

Today I'd just increase my stealth, senses and knive- throwing abilitys. I had to be the precisest of all when I'm going to prove myself to them. I practiced the whole day, using trees and stones as targets.

At late noon, I sat in the grass and enjoyed the sun. I'd kill to see it in colors... All I know is that the sun's really bright. I could feel it... until someone or something blocked it from hitting my skin. I heard a little grown.

This wasn't a wolve or a boar! This was a dragon! I wanted to scream but that would propably just offence the creature! I heard it's heart beating snd smelled fish. Suddenly, this creature started purring and nuzzled my belly!

I took two stones from my environment and knocked them together to make the resounding noise since I couldn't stand up to 'see'. When I recognised the beast, standing above me, I started crying. It wasn't just A dragon.

It was a Night Fury!! The unholy offspring of lightening and death itself! I was more frightened than ever before.

I quickly prayed whipering: "Oh gods... oh gods... thor help me please..."
The dragon looked confused at the stones I constantly knocked against the other.

I tried to explain: "Hey big fellow! I'm not going to hurt you! You see, I'm... I'm blind! I always have been! I normally use my iron- boots to donthis sound to 'see'! But now that I can't stand up, I do it with stones! (I put one stone to the ground, keeping on hitting it and slowly started to lift my free hand) I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't kill me! I'd never hurt you..."

This was a shock for me, when I noticed I could easily grab my knives 'cause 3 of 'em were still stuck in my belt but I didn't! I just helt out my hand to the dragon. It grownled. I guessed what it wanted.

I threw both stones away, laid back down, completly gelpless and blind, praying the Night Fury wouldn't kill me and with my hand still stretched to it's snot.

After a while, a dry, scaly thing pressed itself against my hand! I felt a hot, slow and steady breathing against my hand. I trailed my hand to the top of his head, started scratching him and to my surprise, the dragon strated purring!

I laughed silently and sat up. Suddenly, the dragon shot a blast into the rock behind me. This created a flame, which didn't spread! Instead of that, it started making this sound when wood burned!

It wasn't as good as my boots or the two stones but I got the idea. I used the more or less concussive sound as common source, as I liked to call it. I could 'see' the dragon! He had his head in my lap and I went on scratching him.

I examined him. "You are more like a giant, winged cat, aren't ya? Not a ruthless beast! Everything I got taught about you... is wrong!", I conclused. The dragon opened his eyes in bliss and I noticed, that he was...

"Toothless? Okay... I could have sworn you had- (The Dragon suddenly grew teeth and I slightly jumped)- teeth!" He retracted them again. "Retractable teeth! Amazing!", i said sincerely,

"Fishlegs would go crazy! So would everyone!... except I can't tell them... They'd kill you buddy...", I kinda talked to myself. The dragon nuzzled my chest and I smiled.

Maybe I wasn't meant to have human friends so... "Do you want to be my friend amd brother? I never had one of both... I know we know each other for like 15 minutes but.. well...", I scratched my neck and in the next moment, I was covered in dragon salvia!

"Ew...", I said and started swiping it off, "I take this as a 'yes'! Do you have a name?", I asked the dragon. He shook his head. "Well... since you are toothless... what about Toothless!?", I suggested uncreativly. The dragon, now named Toothless, nodded in agreement.

He drew something in the dirt and surprisingly, he drew runes! The runes we Vikings used to draw, so could read them!
[ÐФ ЏФU ТЯUSТ MΞ? (Do you trust me?)]!

I was more than just surprised, that a dragon yould write in Viking script but he's a Night Fury! He's the most intelligent known creature! Even Bork the Bold don't know everything about them. He didn't even seen one ever.

I smiled and nodded. "I will trust you brother!", I said sincerely. He retracted his teeth and smiled at me with a super cute smile.

He swiped his writing away and wrote again. [ŁΞТ MΞ БłТΞ ЏФU PŁΞΛSΞ! (Let me bite you please!)]! I was shocked "But... why?" Toothless purred and bowed before me and looked at me innocently.

I took a deep breath. "Okay brother... I trust you!", I said, shoved up the fabrics of my left arm and helt it to him. He slowly took my arm between his gums and gently sunk his teeth into it.

Sorry to let you wait! I'm trying to upload at least 2 times a week! Hope you like the chapter!

You have to know, I write my content first on paper before I type it. So I already got every chapter until chapter 5! Please let me know if you want anything to happen. I don't want to be a pain in the ass when you want somthing to happen and I don't do it! Just be gentle requesting it! Okay? xD ♡♡♡

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