11. Trapped

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Okay, here we go! In case you've missed it, I skipped chapter 10, so this is chapter 11 you're reading. The previous chapter would have ended with the squad walking through the mountain passage to Nagasaki. Enjoy!

The sunlight at the and of the tunnel was finally nearing, they had entered the passage at night, so Midoriya was longing to feel the warmer morning sun on his face after such a long walk.
Aizawa had not chatted much apart from repeating their agreements multiple times:

"One, stay put till I return. Two, stay hidden, keep quiet, don't try to interact with people.
And lastly: don't follow me to the castle."

So basically the same thing over and over. Midoriya understood why, it was he who came up with the plan.
The prince had tried to convince their guide that he could come along to the castle, and Aizawa had just ignored him.

The light was getting brighter, slowly taking away the dark. Until they finally reached the end.
"You children remembered what to do right?" Asked Aizawa.
"Yes!" the knight answered, "And if they don't, I'll assure you to remember them!"
"Well, that's great." You could hear the sarcasm dripping from the words, but Iida was oblivious to it, as he bowed to the guide: "Thank you for your guidance!"
Aizawa just stared at him, "Set your camp up behind those bushes, I'll see you tomorrow."
And with that he strolled away.

Within an hour their temporary camp was all set.
"Midoriya?" Todoroki asked "Could you maybe get some firewood? " Midoriya nodded in response, "Uraraka and I will search for some food, maybe Iida can watch over the camp?"
Iida nodded too, "Alright, see you soon."

Midoriya walked trough the dried out woods, wondering how it still survived in these volcanic lands, he kept hearing soft breathing from the bushes, but chose to think nothing of it.
He had already collected a couple dozen of branches, enough for a decent fire, and bent down to grab some more of the ground.

He set his foot down for one more step, not noticing the trap under the fallen leaves, and before he could react, or even realize what he had gotten himself into, he was already bungling upside down.

A small gasp of succession came from the nearest bushes, and soon enough a figure came out: It was a young male, with blonde spiky hair. he normally wouldn't think of a threat if he saw him, but the murderous look in his eyes, combined with the weapons he was carrying and the fact that Midoriya was currently immobilized, still made him tremble in fear.
Midoriya reached for his sword, but it slipped out of his hands and fell on top of the stack of branches on the ground.
The boy smirked, and walked closer to his victim, until their noses were only half a foot apart.
"Who the fuck are you?"
Midoriya couldn't say anything besides some stuttering noises.
"I'll fucking ask you again, who are you? Are you here alone?"
Midoriya shook his head: "I'm M-Midoriya, I have some friends with me, o-over there." he waved into the distance.

Back at the camp, Iida watched proudly over the camp, he heard Uraraka and the prince chatting in the near distance, coming closer, until they finally reached the camp.
"Hello there, did you find something?" he asked them.
"Yes! We found a lot of berries and other fruits, Todoroki-kun even caught some fish!" Uraraka excitedly showed their gatherings, Todoroki walked around the camp; "Hasn't Midoriya come back yet? When we have the fire I can prepare these." he raised the four fish that he held in his hand.
"No, not yet, he should be back soon." Iida said.

"He's probably with Kat, he went hunting nearby." a strange voice said.
The trio grabbed for their weapons, pointing them in the direction of the voice.
"Whoah man, I'm not here to hurt you." A figure jumped out of a tree, already with his hands up. "Besides, I'm not carrying any weapons." The figure was a red-haired boy, with small horns pointing out above his forehead.
"Did you follow us?" Todoroki's tone was stern and serious, as he still hadn't put his sword back.
"Kinda? I mean I was just wandering around, and I got curious about where you two outsiders could possibly be headed to, so yes, I guess I followed you."
The swords were hesitantly lowered, "And where is Midoriya, our friend?"
The boy shrugged, "I don't know, but I could take you to my friend if you'd like?"
They looked at each other, and simultaneously nodded. "Great!" the boy held out his hand to the prince before him, "I'm Kirishima, nice to meet y'all."

They followed Kirishima into the forest, "If he's with Kat, he's probably somewhere around here." "Thank you for helping us!" said Uraraka, the boy scratched the back of his head, "It's no problem at a-" He was cut off by loud yelling.
Midoriyas yelling.
The Trio sprinted towards the noise, Kirishima curiously followed.

Midoriya yelled when the blond suddenly took out a dagger and held it at his neck, "Why are you here?" had he asked.
Footsteps seemed to come closer, and Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki and Kirishima entered the scene.
"Let him go!" commanded Todoroki, already pulling out his sword. Kirishima walked up to him, and put his hand on the prince's shoulder, "It's okay man, Kat won't harm him- Woah, Okay..." Todoroki had promptly turned and held the tip of his blade at the red-haired boy's throat.
"Don't you fucking touch him." the dagger was put away, and he took out a sabre, swinging it at Todoroki.

What followed was a fight.
Iida tried to hit his opponent, but he kept dodging, even with Todoroki and Uraraka working together against Bakugo, it was a hard fight.
Kirishima kept the knight away from Midoriya, who was now laying in the dirt, after being cut loose by his friend, but he was still tangled in the ropes.

"Yo, Eiji what are you even doing?!" shouted Bakugo, while kicking Uraraka, so she couldn't finish her charm.
"Just fighting... Why are you asking?"
Bakugo rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I have fucking eyes you dumbass, but can't it be more, you know, effective?"

Iida looked puzzled, the boy was a worthy opponent, and he looked totally unbothered with fighting him, so what could he possibly mean?
"Switch!" his thoughts were interrupted by Todoroki, and within a second Uraraka stood by him, meaning that he should go help and assist the prince with his opponent.

"Well, you know, I'm not really feeling like it, and I don't want to harm them, they seem nice." their little conversation continued, but with being distracted, he gave the mage a chance to cast a spell. Confusion.

The boy grabbed his head, violently shaking and screaming.
Uraraka backed away, the spell was supposed to make him sleepy and unfocused, she had no idea why it gave this reaction. Bakugo did.
He kicked Iida in the chest when he wanted to strike him, and used the momentum to flip over to his friend.
"Eijiro, listen to my voice, focus." Kirishima was still shaking, his skin slowly turning a shade of red.
From the corner of his eye Bakugo saw Uraraka near his hostage, and with one warning slash from his sabre she dashed back.
"Undo this fucking spell, now."
She seemed to hesitate, but after seeing her victim in so much pain, she made up her mind and opened her mouth to say she reverse spell-
only to be cut of by Todoroki's hand; "No, you can't command us, not after being so rude."

"Fucking idiots."

Kirishima cried, then shouted, after that he roared.
Within the blink of an eye he had turned into one of the great, fearsome dragons the legends told about, the trio looked at each other, fear in their eyes, they decided to retreat, and get Aizawa for help.
They ran away.

Bakugo shielded Midoriya from the fire of his friend, Midoriya's eyes filled with shock, his with anger, sadness, and determination.

I know I promised to publish this chapter a while ago, so sorry for that.
Also KiriBaku is kind of my OTP... And this isn't a kiribaku fic, so I'll try to not make it one, but it'll probably have (at least) a lot of bromance in it, hope that's okay.
As always, thank you for reading, and waiting, hope you enjoyed!

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