3. The Story of a Prince

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It was six in the morning, Todoroki Shoto, prince of Musunavi, glared at the castle from the cliff. He still didn't feel at home inside the castle walls. The cold morning breezes flew past as Todoroki gave his horse the sign to run back home.
He handed his horse over to the groomsman and made his way to the castle doors. Everywhere he went people bowed to him. Eventually, he would be the crown prince, and, after that, he would be king. He loved his people. But was thaught to never react to any of them, looking forward, never to step out of the way from the workpeople. The doors closed behind him when he entered the hallway. "Shoto." he heard behind him, he didn't react, already knowing who it was. "We need to talk, son."  His father, Endeavor, was the nephew of king All might. Second in line for the throne, but he wasn't nearly as beloved as is his cousin was. "What do you want to talk about father?" Shouto said in a monotone voice. "Meet me in the throne room," he said as he turned around and walked away. Todoroki sighed and walked to his room. The castle was gigantic and had room for all of the staff that worked in and around the castle. Almost every one of the royal family lived here. Except for his mother, she wasn't royal blood, thus, everyone needed to forget her. His bedroom was very bland. Since he threw out all of the luxury his father gave him. He fell down on his bed. His father had more children besides him, but he treated them as if they were lesser than Shoto, they all declined their title.
Todoroki Shoto wouldn't even be close to becoming a king if it weren't for his siblings. He did not know if he had to be grateful or not.
He heard a soft knocking on his door. "Come in," he said. The door opened. It was Yoayorozu Momo, one of the maids that served the royal family. She was the daughter of Duke Yoayorozu, who owned a large Manor in the area of Deikaan He would eventually be married off to her. "What's the problem, Momo?" "Sir?" She said shyly, even though They had known each other for years now. "Your father wants you in the throne room." "I'm well aware, thank you." Momo nodded and closed the door behind her. Todoroki thought of her kindly, they were already friends before the marriage was arranged.
Todoroki stood up to walk outside, when he entered the throne room, he saw his father impatiently sitting on the king's throne. "Son, it's about the king," Todoroki stopped before him, looking him dead in the eye. "He has been missing for a few weeks, I need you to find him." the eyes of the son widened as his father finished the sentence. Why? Why do I need to find him of all people? "He disappeared after he went hunting monsters all by himself." Hunting monsters was always dangerous if you did not have a mage or healer with you. "I hope he is okay. All might is well beloved as a king."
"That's where you come in, you need to find him and confirm he passed away." "WHAT?" said he out loud. Everyone was well aware that Endeavor didn't love his cousin all that much, but this was cold, even for a pessimistic man like him. "Don't act as you don't secretly wish that he is dead, you can finally be king." Shoto opened his mouth, wanting to contradict with his father's words, but he knew it was pointless. He was the highest man in the castle until the king had returned. He bowed his head down. "You leave tomorrow." "Yes, father."

The prince sat alone in his room as the evening began. mulling over everything his father had said to him, it felt like he wasn't in control of his own mind. Tododoki's head felt heavier and heavier as the hours went by. "Todoroki, Sir?" sounded the voice he knew well. "Could you help me and open the door please?" Todoroki smiled as he opened the door for his friend, "Please call me Shoto, I've known you long enough." Momo blushed and looked down at the heavy tray she was holding. "I heard you'd leave tomorrow, I wantend to say goodbye." "What's on the tray?" He said, still lost in thoughts. "Oh, It's dinner you didn't show up this evening, remember?" "I think I just forgot about it." He sighed. Momo quietly walked in, almost tiptoeing, she always acted very cautious when she was around him, as if she only were my maid, and not my friend. "I'll return to Deikaan within a couple weeks. You're always welcome there." She put the tray down on the dresser. "Thank you, you're too kind." She chuckled, "Everything for my future husband." Todoroki couldn't see if she was serious, so he just ignored it. She walked back to the door, "Good bye, Shoto." He simply waved back

The morning sun woke up the prince, It was time for him to leave. He got out of bed and  dressed himself, only now did he notice the small note that Yaozoru Momo left for him, he stretched out his hand reaching for the paper:

Dearest Prince Todoroki Shoto,

I wish you the best of luck with your quest to find our beloved king, If you need something, or if you simply just wish to see me; you are always welcome at the Yaozoru Manor in Deikaan. Please return safely.

Yours truly, Yaozoru Momo.

Todoroki smiled, Momo was the most formal and well behaved person he knew, even more than his father. He folded the paper and put it in the inside pocket of his gilet.
She was a good friend of him, and disliked the fact that he needed to marry such a good friend like her. He left his room, the castle was silent so early in the morning, he walked into the kitchen to pack a meal for on the road. He grabbed the food and walked out.
He reached for the door handle, "Shoto!" Fuyumi, Todoroki's sister came down the stairs. He hadn't seen her in a while. "What are you doing up so early?" He asked, "Saying goodbye to you of course!" she ran up to him and gave him a hug, "Good luck."

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