4. Learning to Fight

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Midoriya woke up next to Uraraka and Iida, Yesterday they had met, but he already felt like he knew them for years. The three were sleeping outside, they had set up a temporary camp in the woods. Slowly he got up. His back hurt from the hard ground. He grabbed his bag, looking inside for something to eat, he still had some of the apple pie left. "Good morning, Midoriya." Iida stood next to him. "What do you have there?" Izuku looked at the package in his hands. "Some apple pie my mother made, would you like some?" The knight nodded.
Midoriya and Iida sat down. "How big of a piece would you like?" Midoriya got out his sword. "Just a small one please." He tried to cut the pie, but it didn't work out as he had hoped. Iida chuckled as the boy tried to figure it out. "For how long have you been traveling?" "This was my first night." Said Izuku, he finaly separated two small pieces, he handed the bigger one to Iida. "And you?" Iida looked over his shoulder, Uraraka was still sleeping. "For about a year now," he closed his eyes, he looked proud. "I'm aspiring to become a knight, like the rest of my family. Uraraka is traveling with me." "Wow" said Izuku, his eyes lit up."Your whole family are knights?" The pressed his silver glasses up his nose, "Yup! They all serve the king in the royal army, my brother is a general, he has one of the largest armies of the kingdom." Iida beamed proudly, and held his fist up high. He told more stories about his family and his legacy, Izuku listened    carefully to every word, hands supporting his head. In the Meantime, Uraraka had woken up. She got herself ready. "Would you like some apple pie?" Said Midoriya kindly, he held up a piece. She sat down next to him. The knight had finished talking. "What about you, Uraraka?" She blushed. "Well, my parents are loggers, they own a small wood-shop in the forest near Carminia, they helped me become an apprentice when they discovered I had a bit of magic within me." "That's so nice of them!" She hid her face in her hands, Izuku was truly enthusiastic about everything.
A load screech escaped the forest. The green-eyed boy looked up in terror, "What was that?!" Iida and Uraraka quickly got on their feet. The knight drew his sword while the mage looked for her staff. The wannabe hero just looked around in confusion. "A monster, probably." Said Iida as he put on his helmet, "Aren't you coming to fight, Izuku?" Said Uraraka already sprinting ahead.

"I thought you just hunted criminals!" Izuku didn't know how to feel about this, he wanted to be a hero, of course, but monsters? He was still scared of those. Uraraka fixed her hat, "You have your sword with you, right?" Iida bit his lip, he saw how the boy used his sword to cut the pie. He was nowhere near experienced enough.
All of a sudden the monster appeared, the monster had wings, but missed the arms, it made him look pretty weak.
Uraraka yelled out a charm, which made the rocks and pebbles around the monster float. The monster seemed unimpressed and made itself ready for attack. She a yelled another charm, the stones around it began to attack: making cuts and bruises all over the monster's body, it screamed out in pain. "Good work Uraraka!" Uraraka had her hands on her knees, trying to get in control over her own breathing. The magic used up a lot of stamina. The monster, now unable to fly because of the many cuts an holes in its wings. Iida tried to attack it, but it had other plans; it dodged the sword, and ran head first in the direction of Midoriya, who stood in awe, "IZUKU YOUR SWORD!" but he didn't react, his whole world went in slow-motion. The monster opened his mouth, it would be enough to swallow him whole. His reflexes made him protect his head, he squeezed his eyes shut, but the attack never came.

He slowly opened his eyes, the monster laid motionless on the ground, with Iida above it, his sword deep in the thin neck. "Sorry for that," He said as he catched breath, sweat dripping off his forehead. It was quite a bit between where Midoriya sat and where Iida first attacked, he must've reacted fast. Uraraka ran to Izuku. "Are you alright?!" She grabbed him by his shoulders, inspecting him from tip to toe, and after she had realized that he was indeed okay, she gave him a tight hug. Iida walked behind Uraraka, "If you want to continue this journey of yours... you should consider some training." He pointed to himself, smiling.

"You wanna go again?" Iida reached his hand out to Midoriya, who grabbed it. They had been sparring for a couple of days now. Iida teaching the boy everything he knew, and the improvement was showing. Uraraka watched from the sideline as Midoriya got pulled on his feet, directly getting into fighting position. Iida lashed out to him, he dodged, and tackled Iida, who fell on the ground. It was now Midoriya's turn to help him up, they both were proud of each other; Iida for how quickly Midoriya learned, Midoriya for good Iida taught, Uraraka was proud of the both of them.

Thanks for reading!

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