5. Joining the Quest.

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Today was the fifth week of training, Midoriya had become a lot stronger and faster than he was when the trio had their first encounter with the monster. Iida and Midoriya were parring, It looked more like a duel than training at this point in time. Uraraka rooted for both, Iida won in the end. The two walked to the mage, panting. "Why don't we go to the village to get something to drink?" said Uraraka. "You two must be tired." The two boys nodded.

They walked back to the village of Alderaan, where they entered the bar. It was strangely quiet for a market day.
The three sat down at the bar, Iida waved at the barmaid, who was cleaning glasses, "I'm Tsu," said the barmaid. "May I help you?" "Yes, we would like three lemonades, please." "Alright," said Tsu as she made the drinks. she handed them over.
"You two are getting pretty good you know," said Uraraka after she took a long sip. Midoriya looked at Iida, who already finished his glass, "Well, it's all thanks to Iida!" Iida looked up proudly, it was his dream to become a knight like his brother, and then have his own apprentices, training with Izuku came pretty close to that. "I'll prepare Midoriya for the toughest of battl-"

Iida got interrupted by the loud noise of an opening door, Uraraka and Midoriya looked at a studdering Iida, staring at the figure in the door opening.

Todoroki was still on his quest to find the king. He missed everything about the castle; His room, the warm meals, his siblings, Momo... The only thing he did not miss was his father, he hated him more every time he thought about what he was doing. He knew what his father meant by proving All Might was dead; He needed to kill him if it turned out he had survived. Was he that desperate for the throne?
The prince entered a small village called Alderaan, all he wanted was a warm dish and a drink. He slammed open the doors of a decent looking bar. The only three people present sat at the bar. He sat down too, with a good distance of two stools between him and the three. There was no bartender to be seen, so he just looked forward, but he felt the glares of those people: A knight and a mage accompanied by some plain looking boy, the knight clearly recognized him and hadn't stopped studdering since he walked in.

"I-Iida, stop studdering! It's very rude!" Uraraka shook Iida out of his trance. "Don't you know who that is?" whispered Iida, he pointed at the man sat two seats apart from Midoriya. They both shook their heads. "It's prince Todoroki!" "THE PRINCE?!" Uraraka nearly fell from her stool, Midoriya glanced at the prince, who gave a deadly look back. "eh... hi?" said Midoriya, giving a nervous wave, The prince didn't react at all. Midoriya looked back at his friends, who were nervously shaking with their eyes locked on him.
"Nice to meet you, your majesty." Midoriya stuck out his hand, he needed to say sómething. "I'm Midoriya Izuku, I'm adventuring with m-" "I don't care." interrupted Todoroki coldly. Izuku looked down in shame. The Prince still hadn't moved; he just focused on the wall before him.
The barmaid walked in again. "Finally." did Midoriya hear the prince say under his breath. "Hi, I'm-" "I want some food." Tsu still had her mouth open, not knowing how to react. She looked at her other guest, who gave the same reaction as her. "Alright," said she after a while.

'He is very rude for a prince.' thought Izuku. "MIDORIYA!" Midoriya looked up. Iida had his mouth open from shock, in fact, Uraraka and Tsu had their mouths open as well, did he say that out loud? He rapidly looked over to Todoroki, who raised an eyebrow. Midoriya jumped of his stool, "Forgive me! I'm sorry!" He bowed down as far as he could, but Todoroki Shoto didn't care. He turned around and left the bar, without his food.

"I cant believe you embarrased us in front of the prince!" "Iida calm down" The Trio stood outside the bar, Izuku still had his head down. "Its not like we'll meet him again or something," Iida sighed, Uraraka put her hand on his shoulder, "You two walk to back to camp, I'm going to the market."
"I-I'm sorry Iida." stuttered he after Uraraka had left. "I know the royal family is important for your family." Midoriya had tears in his eyes. "They indeed are! What if he refuses to knight me when he's king!" Iida looked around him, "Let's go back to camp, okay?" He tried to sound calm, but it was obvious that he was very frustrated.

The walk back was silent, Midoriya wanted to cry, but he needed to stay strong, like his father was. He looked up: Iida had an angry look on his face. He had a good reason to be this angry, Izuku knew. They walked for minutes without saying anything at all, but suddenly, the silence got broken by a distant scream.
It wasn't as shrill or as loud as the sound of a monster, it was human and they probably wouldn't have heard it if they hadn't been silent.

Midoriya and Iida didn't hesitate for a second, they ran towards the noise, the forest.
A white horse ran out of the bushes. willing to run past the two, but Iida quickly reacted by grabbing the horse by its reins.
Iida inspected the horse's equipment, it looked too expensive for the average merchant. he stopped at the emblem sawn onto its saddle blanket. "The royal emblem..." "The prince!" Shouted Midoriya. Iida quickly jumped on the horse, and pulled Midoriya on as well. He sended the horse back from where it came.

Todoroki Shoto heard the galloping of his horse. he wanted to grab his sword off the ground, but the monster, not more than a dozen feet away from him, did not let him do that. The prince had no idea where the monster had come from this quickly, it just appeared in front of him. monsters seemed to have become stronger. The galloping became louder snd louder. "I see him! There!" He recocnjced that voice, was it? yes! it were the knight and plain looking boy riding his horse. they swiftly jumped off, right before him.
The fight was over in an instant, The knight looked very experienced, but the green-haired boy also fought pretty well. Midoriya, if he had remembered correctly, finished the fight with a slice in the neck. He'd told him he didn't care about his name, but here he was.

"Thank you," said Todoroki as Iida handed him his horse, the knight bowed.
Uraraka had arrived shortly after the battle had ended. she handed everyone a fresh apple from the market. Todoroki ate his quietly. "I'm sorry for calling you rude," Midoriya walked up to him, he had said nothing this whole time, "but why are you this far from the castle?" Todoroki kept quiet for a second, Iida and Uraraka were curious too. They deserved to know, he saved them after all. "I'm on a quest to find king All Might, he has been missing." Iida and Midoriya looked shocked. "Missing?" Todoroki closed his eyes, he didnt have heart to tell them their beloved king was probably dead. "Maybe we can join you on your quest?" He didnt respond to the question, they would only slow him down. "My father was a knight, he fought alongside the king, please let us help him!" the three were longing for adventure, the prince saw it. "Please!" He could only say yes, so, he nodded.

Thank you for reading! (*^o^*)
(Am I going to thank you every chapter? Yes, I am going to do that.)

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