Chapter Twenty-One: Part One

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Diablo's Point Of View

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Everybody down!" Odin shouts as gunshots blasted somewhere around us.

Everyone goes for a cover,  the girls shrieking in fear, and the boys get their weapons out as they grabbed the kids.

In seconds, I rush to Austin, take him, and carry him to safety.

The gunshots stopped. Who the fuck is attacking us?  I have no idea who it is, but I'll find out soon.

"You alright?" I ask Austin as I searched his body to make sure he's okay.

He nods.

"What the fuck is going on?"

"Where did the shots come from?"

"Is everyone okay?"

"Austin! Austin, baby!" Monica cried out.

"I got him! He's okay!" I yell back.

Then I realized-

"Shit! Veronica!" I say out loud.

Odin, Adrian, and Gustavo quickly make their way to find her. Geo was about to follow, but I stop him.

"Geo, you stay here with them. I'll go find her," I tell him.

He looks at his finance, who is crying hysterically with their daughter, and realizes they come first, as it should.

He nods, then takes Austin, and I rush inside.

Fuck, Roni, you better be alright.

I started searching the house cautiously. Beginning in the kitchen, and made my way inwards to the living-room.

"Veronica," I call out.

No response.

I realize the front door is open, so I start making my way over, gun in my hands, ready to kill.

My blood goes cold when I see her on the ground in a pool of blood. Quickly, I make my way over and dropped to my knees to grab her.

I turn her around carefully and feel the wetness of blood all over her body. She's been shot, I can't see where, but she's bleeding BAD.

I grab her chin with my hand and shake her head gently.

"Baby, open your eyes," I say to her, afraid she'll die.

When she doesn't respond or show any movement, I start to panic.

"Veronica, open your fucking eyes!" I begged her, but she's not moving. "Please, Roni, don't you dare fucking leave me!"

I hear cries behind me, and I turn to Monica. "Call a fucking ambulance!"

"I already did," she cried while looking at Roni. "It's five minutes away."

I continue to hold her in my arms until the paramedics get there.

In precisely five minutes, they arrive. They start doing their thing, and I relax when they find a heartbeat. I know Veronica WILL fight her way back to me. She has to because I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't.


I've been in the hospital waiting room for about an hour now, and the wait for answers for Veronica is killing me. I just want to know how she's doing. The last update we got was that she was shot four times in multiple places in her body and that she'd be going into surgery, and it looks complicated. Shit, all I want to know is if she's going to be okay.

Trap Queen: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now