Chapter Fifteen

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The sunlight beaming in my eyes wake me up from deep sleep. In annoyance, I jump out of my bed to close the blinds shut. As I head back to bed I realized something... Diablo is no longer here.

Last night he brought me to his apartment. An apartment I didn't know he had. My thoughts were that he was officially living with Pearla. That it was a real thing, but apparently Diablo still has his secret hiding place whenever shit goes rocky between them.

The apartment is on the fifth floor of a building. It's pretty luxurious if you ask me. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, large living room, and a beautiful view of Tempe Lake. I am absolutely in love with this place.

We sat in the balcony most of last night enjoying the view with a couple of beers. It was so nice, relaxing, and peaceful.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand. A smile appears on my face when I see a text message from him.

Diablo: Hey, I had to leave early. Since the fridge is empty, and you're on house arrest till Gustavo comes back, I bought you some food it's in the microwave. Enjoy. Hit me up if you need anything.

The smile on my face turned into a large grin after I read it.

Lorenzo is such a good man. He has his issues, but he's everything a girl would die for.

Before I head into the shower, I decide to go see what food he got me. I open the microwave, and sure enough, there's a McDonald's bag in there. He knows damn well how much I love my egg sausage McMuffins.

"Mmm," I moan at the smell of the muffin. "Fuck it, I'm eating it now."

Just when I was enjoying my beautiful breakfast a call comes through. I nearly choked on a piece of bread when I see it's him.

"Hello," I picked up, still with a mouth full.

His chuckle makes my heart jump.

"What?" I grinned myself.

"Nothing. I'm guessing you're eating the food."

"Damn right. I woke up hungry."

"I bet."

"So, what's up?"

"Just wanted to check up on you, and make sure Gustavo's dumb ass is there. Is he?" he asked.

"Gustavo?" I asked confused since he's not here.

Diablo curses under his breath. "He's not there, is he? Fuck. He left two hours ago."

Stupid Gustavo. He's going to get jumped if he doesn't get his shit straight now my ass gotta back him up.

"You didn't let me finish. Gustavo is here, well not now, he went to get something to eat since someone forgot about him," I lied, but sounded like the truth.

"Hmm, you can't lie to me, Veronica. I know you're lying. Call him and if he doesn't get his ass there in twenty minutes I'll-" he started, but I cut him off.

"You'll do nothing. He'll be here."

"Don't do that," he grumbled.

"Do what?" I frown looking at my muffin.

"Don't defend him."

"He's my homie, I gotta."

"He better just be your fucking homie," he warned in all seriousness.

I roll my eyes. "Shut up. Are you coming over today?"

"I don't know. Would your homie mind?" he mocked.

Trap Queen: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now