Chapter Six

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It's around 1 pm, and I'm walking out of the office for my one-hour lunch break. Daniel thinks I'm going to grab lunch with Lilly to talk about wedding stuff, but in reality, I'm on my way to Diablo's house.

I hate lying to him, but it's the best thing to do as bad as it sounds. If I were to tell him, he would get so pissed, and we'd argue for days.

My legs feel so weak and tingly as I walked up to the valet to get the car. My heart feels like it's going to fall out my butt. I'm so freaking nervous to see Diablo again. For the last two years, we have only talked three times and most over text. So, let's just hope it goes alright.

I called Geo earlier to ask if he knew if Diablo would be at the Trap, but he said he's there doing some stuff and Diablo isn't there. He's usually at his new house now, so Geo sent me the address.

The valet finally arrives with Daniel's car, and I get on. I take a moment to put in Diablo's address in the car's GPS. He's only twenty minutes away.

Oh boy, well here we go.


"Your destination is on your right," the GPS said.

I park on the side of the street, turn off the engine, and let out a sigh as I look at the house next to me. It's actually very nice. 

It's only a couple of houses down from MY old house, the one that was supposed to be for Diablo and I. That house is now Monica's. Yes, Diablo's baby momma. For a while, it was a fucking crime scene, but months later it was cleaned inside out, and Monica now owns the house or so I'm told. I'm glad though, because now Austin, Diablo's son, is only within walking distance from his dad.

Anyways, I notice a couple of expensive looking cars parked on his driveway. Shit, let's just hope he's alone. He doesn't know I'm here.

After taking a million deep breaths, I step out of the car with my purse in hand.

It's okay, Roni. It's only Diablo.

I take one more deep breath then head to the door of the house.

It takes three knocks before the door begins to click, and it opens.

My heart stops fast when I see a girl around my age, 25, with pale skin and black hair, looking like a typical Chola comes out. She's quite good-looking, but the mean look on her face says she wants to kill me right now. Diablo's girlfriend, maybe?

Ha, but I'd like to see her try.

"Hi," I said, trying to play it cool, but it does nothing.

"Who are you?" she glares.

Well shit.

"I'm looking for Diablo. Is he here?" I ask, instead.

She takes a step forward, but I stay put. "You didn't answer my question."

"I'm Veronica, his friend. Who are you?" I tried to keep my voice steady.

"I'm Perla, his girlfriend."

I bite my lip. I had that coming.

"Nice to meet you," I fake smile. "Is Diablo here? He's the one I need to talk too."

"What do you need to talk to him about?"

"That's something between him and me. I'm also in a rush, so please don't waste my time. Is he here or not?" I ask, getting annoyed.

She hesitates for a moment, but after a few seconds, she opens her mouth, "he's in the back."

"Great, can I talk to him?"

Trap Queen: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now