I didn't realise how deep in thought I was until I heard a thud, it was Taehyung. I looked over at Seokjin, but there was no sign of tranquilliser. "What happened?"

"I guess he fainted out of shock,"

"Maybe we shouldn't have told him everything."

"No, it's best that he knows. I'll take him, you both get back to the mansion. I'll contact you when we're safe."

"What about Namjoon? Won't he be concerned about you?"

"No, I told him that I'm not feeling well so he shouldn't be suspicious."

"Ok Hyung, don't forget to call!"

"I won't, I'll get going now."

Park Sooyoung

The club was quite busy, even after all that has happened, NCT managed to get back all of their customers. To be honest, after Winwin entered my life I managed to get in with some of the action, seeing all of the business deals take place and all. Sure, he's a bit of a psychopath but I've managed to accept that, he just needs to know that I accept and love him.

It may be busy in the club but it doesn't feel the same, not without his presence. He's been on a business trip for a while and I'm worried he might not come back, how can I not worry? I've been sitting in this dressing room for a while, waiting for my VIP customer. My boss told me that he's some international dealer and that he's quite the bigshot which is the confusing part. I know I'm pretty and all but I'm certainly not the best, there are much better strippers in here than me. But apparently, the dealership guy selected me, either I'm going crazy or he's blind.

After a few more minutes of applying makeup and touching up my outfit, the door knocked and I was ready to face my client. I walked out with an innocent aura, the worst kind. Everybody knows that it's girls like us that are the worst. I walked out to the main floor and made my way to the VIP section, the place where only the rich go. Time to make some big bucks, once I got to the place I was told to go to room 1.

Room 1? I've heard a lot about that place but have never once set foot in there, guess I've hit the jackpot. In any other case, I'd be quite excited but he's not Winwin, and I miss him so much. I knocked on the door but didn't get a response so just walked in as innocently as possible. This persona thing is annoying but it's what makes me money.

The room was low lit and beyond any room I've seen in this shit hole, luxury was an understatement. I looked around before turning around and stopping in place, with an agape mouth! It's him, it's really him, my face lit up as I practically jumped with joy, "steady there my little doll, you might fall." His voice was still as smooth and husky as I remembered it and his aftershave unchanged. That smell, that intoxicating smell of his which is nowhere near as intoxicating as his face and body. "Master!" I squealed, before running into his arms, "you're back!"

"Yes, yes I am Doll. How have you been, I've missed your delicate face."

"Not good Master," I pouted, "I've missed you too much!"

"There there, do you really think I'll let you off that easily?"


"Didn't I tell you to keep away from all of those filthy men."

"Y-you did,"

"And you didn't listen."

"I had to, I have no other way of making money."

"No excuses Doll, this calls for punishment," he whispered with a smug face with that warm breath of his sending shivers down my spine.

Lee Donghyuck

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