His father used to go out every night to the bars for people just like him. He'd often bring home men and disappear into the spare bedroom when he thought Jens wasn't looking. Him and his mother would sit in the living room and read to each other while it happened. He'd heard so many stories of the gay bars that the police just ignored after getting bored of them. It wasn't legal to be gay, but you wouldn't face persecution if you were. It wasn't a big deal, and it brought him so much joy to see how open his father could be. It also made him feel so much better when he came to terms with his own sexuality. He didn't have to stress about it, because he could live an almost normal life in his country.

But then Hitler was released from prison, and he was very public about his views which definitely put a damper on Jens' positive mindset, and then the golden years ended in '29 when he was 16. Things just got worse and worse from there. But years later, he was able to enjoy these parties even if they were a dirty secret he had to keep, and he got just a taste of the freedom his father experienced.

"Jens, there's someone at the door," Lotte said, walking up to him, looking nervous. "I can't see properly from the window but they don't look like one of us."

"Alright, thanks," he smiled, squeezing her shoulder gently and walking past her. "Don't stress. Just tell everyone in there to quiet down and stop being gay for five minutes," he smirked. Lotte smiled back and left, and his smile fell quickly. He didn't know who was at the door but his heart was already hammering in his chest as he walked towards it. He let go of Roland's hand but he could still feel him right behind him which was certainly a comfort.

He reached out and grabbed the handle of the door, twisting it slowly like a child scared to look in the closet for fear of monsters.

Standing outside the house was the SS. Two of them at the door and a further four behind them by a black van parked alongside the pavement, having a smoke, standing so casually the whole thing felt fake, like these were actors here to play an elaborate prank on them. But deep down he knew this was real.

"Jens Trilling?" One of them said, looking down at a scrap of paper in his hand.

"Yes," Jens said, his heart in his throat. "Can I help you, gentlemen?"

"Jens Trilling, you are under arrest for violations of paragraph 175," the officer said, grabbing his shoulder and harshly pulling him out onto the porch. He turned him around so his back was to him and he was facing Roland who was standing still in the doorway with his mouth hanging open. The officer handcuffed his hands together behind his back and dragged him back towards the van as he nodded towards the others standing there. "Raid the house."

"What?" Jens said, looking around in panic, struggling in the vice like grip he was held in. "What are you doing? You can't just run in there without a warrant or something, right? You can't do that!"

"I think you'll find we can," the officer said in a monotone voice, pretty much ignoring him.

"Roland! Run!" Jens screamed, hoping the others inside would also see what was going on and leave, and he would be the only one arrested tonight. "Get out of here!"

He couldn't do anything but watch as Roland turned on his heel and sprinted back into the house, followed by all but the one officer. Tears stung his eyes and his stomach twisted when he watched him re-emerge, kicking and struggling in the arms of the SS.

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