Chapter 11

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I must've fallen asleep because I opened my eyes to find myself on Crystal's island. My head hurt like hell and I couldn't remember anything after seeing my brother. I slowly sat up rubbing my temples.

"You're finally awake."

I looked behind me to see a smiling Catherine.

"Finally awake? How long was I out for?"

"You were out for about four days."

"Four days?! Dang..."

"Yep. Here the girls and I prepared you some food for when you woke up." Catherine walked over to me with a pile of meat in her hands

My mouth watered as I reached out for it making Catherine giggle. She set the meat down beside me and I immediately began to dig in. She plopped down next to me laying her head on my shoulder.

"So um what happened after my brother showed up?" I asked in between bites

"You don't remember?"

"Nope." I stated popping the 'p'

"Well once you saw him you attacked him. You actually ended up beating him..."

I choked on my food looking at the walls with wide eyes.



"So does that mean I'm the king now?"

"Technically you're the queen now but yes. You are the most powerful out of all the other monsters." She blushed slightly tracing a pattern on my chest with her finger

I looked over at her to see her leaning in, her eyes glued to my lips. Her boobs pressed up against my arm and I could feel my face heat up. Right as she was about to kiss me we heard two small giggles, causing her to stop. We looked towards the entrance of the cave to see Maya and Mia. Catherine pouted while I smiled. Although they both looked different. They both had their mother's wings, and instead of the brown cloak Maya wore a bright blue armor and Mia wore a bright pink one (it's basically what Mothra is wearing on the stuff to know page).

"Hey girls." I greeted them

"Y/N!" They smiled happily running over to me and hugging me tightly

I hugged them tightly as they both looked up at me slightly angry.

"You missed our molting. Look at the pretty wings we have now!" Mia stated fluttering her new wings

"I'm sorry girls. I was taking care of something."

"It's okay we forgive you." Maya muttered shyly

"Well that's good." Catherine spoke up wrapping her arms around my shoulders

Her action was greeted by glares from the two moth children.

"Why are you hugging Y/N like that?" Mia asked

"It's because were dating."

"That can't be true. She's dating our mom." Maya spoke up rather loudly

Catherine held in a laugh causing the glares from the girls to harshen.

"Alright everyone calm down." I moved forward as Catherine removed her arms from my shoulders, "Your mother has agreed to share me with the other girls on the island."

"Why would she do that?" Mia asked curiously

Catherine's eyes widened as I tried to hold in my laughter. After a few seconds of calming down I finally spoke.

"That's a question you should ask your mother."

I stood up and the two girls stepped away.

"Where are the other girls anyway?" I asked Catherine

"Since the cave isn't big enough for all of us they're picking some spots in the island to pick as their living space."

"Could you gather all of them together for me? I'll meet you all on the beach."

"Sure!" She smiled placing a kiss on my cheek, "See you later alpha~" She whispered seductively

For the second time today I blushed. As she left the cave she swayed her hips from side to side which did not help my blush.

"Hehe your face is super red!" Maya giggled pointing up at my face

I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down once again. I grabbed a piece of meat before walking towards the exit.

"Come on girls let's go wait for the others." I stated biting a piece off of the meat

The girls nodded enthusiastically and ran after me. We walked out of the cave and the bright rays of the sun greeted me. I closed my eyes quickly since the brightness blinded me for a few moments. I kept trying to open my eyes so they could adjust but it wasn't working. Luckily Maya and Mia noticed this and they gently took me by the hands, making sure I didn't bump into anything.

"Don't worry! We'll make sure you don't hurt yourself!" Mia stated as they guided me

Eventually I felt the hot, gritty, texture of sand underneath my feet. I slowly opened my eyes once again and thankfully they were able to adjust this time. The girls let go of my hands and rushed towards the water. I plopped down on the sand finishing my piece of meat. I smiled as I watch the two play in the water, giggling and having fun like there was no danger in the world. My tail swished behind me calmly until I spotted something in the distance. I tensed up as I noticed that it was coming towards us. I stood up gaining that attention of Maya and Mia.

"Y/N?" Maya spoke sounding worried

I didn't answer her keeping my eyes on the object. They followed my gaze looking over their shoulder to see the object.

"Girls get behind me."

They quickly did so and immediately rushed out of the ocean. Once they were behind me they clutched onto my legs fearfully. My angered flared as the object neared us and I recognized it as a human missile. Although it broke open and split into six different missiles. I immediately began to charge up my atomic breath. There was no way that I was letting these weak humans hurt Maya, Mia, or any of the girls on the island. Once my back fins were heated up I shot my F/C beam at the missiles. One by one my atomic breath destroyed them. Once they were all gone I huffed and smoke visibly left my nostrils.

There is no way that I will show mercy to these humans.

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