Chapter 5

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Your POV

I woke up tired and horny. My eyes fluttered open to see these crystal things around me. I went to stand up but the crystals seemed to drain my energy causing me to lay down again. I huffed in frustration which seemed to gain the attention of a nearby kaiju.

"You're awake!" A girl smiled and ran over to me

She had two grey wings, red eyes, short black hair, two long arms and two short ones. She kneeled down next to my 'cage' with an even bigger smile. Her wings seem to flutter in excitement as her smile grew bigger. 

"You look familiar." I stated cocking my head to the side 

"Well I'm Maia! You probably recognize me since your brother defeated me and almost killed me. Crystal saved me though! Anyway I always wanted to meet you. Especially after all the stories the girls told me about you." She giggled

I only gave her a side glance which caused her to pout. She laid down in front of me so her red eyes could look into my E/C ones. 

"What am I doing here?" I huffed 

"Well we all decided that you would be a good mate! We all pretty much like you so it was a perfect fit!" She giggled again and booped my nose with her finger 

"Wait what do you mean by we and secondly how do I get out of here?" 

"To answer your first question all you need to do is look around. Some of the girls went out hunting so we're not all here." Maia motioned her hand over to a body and I looked closer to see that it was Leah. Although I could see the breathing bodies of other kaijus around, "And it all depends on Crystal whether on not to free you or not. Her crystals are pretty powerful so it's almost impossible to break them." 

"Almost impossible?"

"You're not getting out of there until I deem otherwise." Another voice spoke

Maia stepped away from me looking at Crystal with some fear in her eyes. Crystal came forward with Demona beside her.

"I told you girls long ago that I didn't want to be with you."

"Oh really? That wasn't what you told us before."

"That was before you all decided to turn on my brother." I growled

"Your brother was holding you back. We were the only ones to call him out on it and he banished us. You are a perfect contender for his throne. That's why he barely taught you anything, that's why WE had to step in and help you. He doesn't see you as a sister anymore. He sees you as competition." 

"You're lying."

"Oh am I? Maybe next time you see, or well, if you ever see him again you can ask him." Crystal placed her hand on my cheek leaning down to kiss my nose

"Are you hungry?" Demona asked 

Right as I was about to say no my stomach growled. Demona smiled and quickly ran out of the cave and returning with a huge piece of meat. 

"I went out hunting earlier and got you some whale. I didn't know how hungry you would be so I didn't eat much so I could give you the bigger piece." I could see a light blush on Demona's face as she set the piece of meat in front of me 

I looked at her before slowly eating it. I kinda felt bad since it didn't look like she had a good meal in awhile. 

Back to Hoomans POV


"I-I'm s-sorry sir but she did. Before she could restrain the sister Godzilla other kaiju intervened. She sustained a large amount of damage so we had to bring her back. We would've lost her if we didn't." 

I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. 

"And what about the tracker on Godzilla?"

"It stopped working. It malfunctioned around Australia. We didn't want to risk sending Moguera so we called him back."

I gripped my desk tightly as I tried to control my anger. 

"Is the sister kaiju still on the island?"

"We don't believe so. We sent a drone out a few hours after Kiryu's battle and it seems that some plant like kaiju had it's vines around her. She was accompanied by three other kaiju who seemed to be fighting with another kaiju that stayed on the island. After they defeated the island kaiju the plant like kaiju took her into some type of flower before disappearing with her. We were going to follow the three kaiju to see where they were headed but one of them spotted the drone and destroyed it."

"Let me see the images of the kaiju."

"Yes sir." The man ran over to the computer before pictures popped up on the screen behind me 

I saw the plant kaiju before he zoomed in on the other three. One of them was the same kaiju that appeared a few days ago in town with Destoroyah. Although the other two looked like the same type of kaiju of Godzilla and the sister Godzilla. 

"Interesting. Send out more drones and scan nearby islands. I want the radioactivity of every each one of them. The kaiju seem to be working together so they must stay at an island together which means it needs a high radioactivity."

"And if we find the island?"

"Send Kiryu, Moguera, and Mechagodzilla. I also want at least two ships with maser cannons. For reassurance I want at least three new Super Xs to accompany them."

"Sir doesn't that seem a bit much? There's only five kaiju that we need to worry about."

"There could be more of them on their island. Ones that are probably more aggressive then the ones of the sister Kaiju's island. It isn't too much either private. I am only making sure we succeed this time. Now," I stepped right in front of him glaring down at him, "Don't you EVER question me again. Understood?"

"Y-Yes s-sir."

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