Chapter 4

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Leah POV

It was night time by the time we got to Y/N's island. I popped my head out of the water and spotted Y/N on the beach sleeping. Suddenly Bianca appeared on a rock next to me.

"A human made kaiju attacked her earlier. She's recovering now."

I knew these girls didn't care about Y/N the way we did. I mean who would leave her alone while she's recovering?! Bianca signaled to Demona to land while I simply nodded and dove underwater where Sasha was waiting.

"She's recovering after an attack from the humans. Now would be the perfect time to capture her."

"Well what are we waiting for then?" Sasha grumbled and quietly resurfaced

Bianca was waiting for us again with her vines carefully wrapped around Y/N. We quickly walked towards them.

"You're sure that she won't wake up until the island?" Demona asked

"Yes I'm sure. I also put a small sedatives and aphrodisiac in her through my vines."

"Alright let's just hurry up and get her back to the island."

"You're not taking her anywhere." We heard a voice spoke

We snapped our heads to the sound of the voice to see Catherine.

"Well hello Catherine." I growled "Or should I say Queen Catherine?"

Catherine rolled her eyes.

"Are you still mad that I kicked your ass last time?" Catherine smiled innocently while my spikes flared in anger

"Well this time I'll be the one to kick your ass." I growled and charged towards her

She easily jumped over me and delivered a kick to my back. I could see a little cocky smirk on her face but that quickly changed when Sasha slammed her tail into her side. It was my time to smirk when I saw her slam into a rock. Catherine quickly recovered though, but this time with a frown. She charged towards us again but this time we knew what she was going to do. Once she reached us she delivered a fury of punches and kicks. We were able to block them though. Sasha and I quickly moved our tails to slam into her again but she jumped out of the way.

"You lizards are too slow!" She teased

"You know you're insulting Y/N by saying that." Demona spoke glaring at her

"She isn't awake to hear that and besides you both knew I was only talking about you two." Catherine smirked

Behind Catherine I could see Bianca moving some of her vines towards her.

"Yeah right. Says the one that got by Sasha's tail." I stated trying to distract her

"While look here you little-"

In a flash Bianca had her vines around Catherine in a tight grip. Catherine fell to the ground with a thud, and struggled in the vines' grips.

"You know you shouldn't be trash talking while you're fighting." Bianca smiled and leaned down, "You won't be doing much fighting here in a few seconds. My sedative will kick in here and you'll be sound asleep~. Unable to do anything while we take our precious Y/N with us~"

A vine covered Catherine's mouth to keep her from retaliating. Demona made sure she couldn't get out and simply sat next to her with a smirk. Sure enough within the next few seconds she was sound asleep.

"That should keep her asleep for an hour or two. We need to hurry up before the other ones show up." Bianca stated

We all nodded and stood guard while Bianca slowly eased Y/N into her flower. Now I know that sounds wrong but it was literally a huge flower. Once Bianca got Y/N into the flower we went to hop in but Bianca stopped us.

"Sorry but this transport is already full. You two will have to swim back, and Demona you'll have to fly back." Bianca smirked and quickly closed the flower

"She planned that didn't she?" Demona growled looking back at the two of us

"Probably. Stupid plant." Sasha cursed, swimming back into the water

Demona flew off and I followed after Sasha making sure that no one saw us.

Timeskip two hours

Sasha and I finally reached Crystal's island to see the girls practically jumping in excitement. Demona landed next to us as the girls tried to contain their emotions.

"Well? Did you get her? Did you get her?" Maia asked smiling brightly

"Yes we did but Bianca had to transport her back." I answered her

"So where is that plant anyway?" Giana asked glaring at us

"Don't look at us." Sasha growled

"I am since she was suppose to-"

Giana was interrupted by a loud rumbling sound. Suddenly Bianca's flower from before appeared from the ground in front of us. Crystal walked up to it as it's leaves revealed Bianca and Y/N. Bianca smiled as she saw the rest of the girls looking at her.

"Well I have a delivery for Miss Crystal?" She giggled and stepped out of the flower with Y/N still in her vines

Crystal held out her arms, signalling to Bianca to give Y/N to her. With a pout and one last hug Bianca handed Y/N to Crystal. Crystal smiled and nuzzled Y/N making some type of purring noise.

"Great! Now we have the kaiju of our dreams!"

The girls cheered and rushed over to Crystal and Y/N.

"Mm I can't wait to have her in my arms~" Diana purred, licking her lips

"Sadly we'll have to keep her contained for now. Until she comes around to the idea of being our mate."

Maia whimpered while the rest of us hid our sadness. I knew Y/N would eventually come around though.

"I'm sure she'll come around soon. Besides who doesn't want nine beautiful kaiju as their mate?" Demona smiled trying to lighten the mood

"Demona's right!" Maia smiled

Crystal chuckled and walked back to our cave. She created a few crystals and placed Y/N inside. Y/N's 'cell' was large enough for her to lay down and sit. Luckily Crystal's crystals were strong enough to take hits from Y/N's atomic breath, and transfer the energy from the breath to Crystal. Maia was quick to sit next to Y/N, watching her rather eagerly.

"You'll be waiting for awhile Maia. My sedatives and aphrodisiac won't wear off for a few hours..."

"So? I'll wait until she wakes up! I want to introduce myself to her." She smiled rather cutely

"Welp I'm taking a short nap." I yawned, "Wake me up when she starts to stir."


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