Why am i like this

4 2 3

I was in art class, sixth period, and I was with a friend

I had candy in one hand, and a marker in one

And it was a candy that you hold in your hand and every now and then suck on it?? Hard to say but it as a jolly rancher (grape) but it wasn't the normal small roll

And it was a candy that you hold in your hand and every now and then suck on it?? Hard to say but it as a jolly rancher (grape) but it wasn't the normal small roll

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Okay they're called a ranger stix but whatever

So I'm holding this, and a marker in the other hand

I go to get a little more of the tasty grape candy

But my mouth is met by a marker

I pull back and it takes like S H I T

Would not recommend

But I managed to get the taste out and another friend said to check if it was toxic

And luckily it was nontoxic

That was my day 👌🏻

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