In no way was she going to allow her best friend to hurt, or even lay a finger on her- Shawn.

"Okāsan¹, Grace is here to see you." He slid open a brown paper door, a typical Japanese door.

The room was much further into the mansion, the vintage part of the mansion. This part held typical Japanese rooms, items and even a dojo- where they could practice their fighting skills.

"Gigi! Love!" Cheered Ken's mother, who sat on the other side of a low Japanese tea table on tatami mats.

She sat seiza style, kneeling on a small pillow with her hands resting on her thighs as she was previously meditating.

"Come, sit! Kentai, would you mind getting us some tea?" Ken gave a firm nod then turned, patting Grace's arm and walking off.

He slid the door closed, heading off to fetch the tray of tea.

Mrs Rai motioned for Grace to sit in front of her, and so she did, but not in the Japanese way that Mrs Rai sat.

Grace sat on the pillow with her legs crossed, an atmosphere of awkwardness hanging in the room.

After her talk with Ken, her stay became more and more uncomfortable and she was right about ready to leave.

Shawn was right, she shouldn't have come.

"Grace, dear. How have you been?" Beamed the older lady after a few excruciating seconds of silence.

"Good, I guess." Grace shrugged, looking down at her clasped hands.

"That's good. Ken tells me you know a Stryker, Shawn. Is that true?" Grace bowed her head, refusing to make eye contact with the lady.

Grace didn't want to be part of this gang war rubbish, yet it felt as though she was being dragged into it without a choice.

The worst part was that the whole situation was life threatening, to her and the people she loved.

"Ah, I see. You know, I never saw you as the type to hang around dangerous boys like my son and now this- a Mafia Prince. You surprise me Grace, you really do." The older female chuckled, making Grace cringe and shiver in disgust.

She looked up, her eyes roaming over the lady's body.

Although she was clothed in elegant Japanese regalia, the upper part of her chest was exposed.

She had two fiery red dragon-like tattoos flowing over her shoulders and the two heads meeting at her breasts, each only having one eye that burnt crimson.

It looked as though the tattoo took hours to do, because everything was in colour- and large for that matter.

The lady sighed, bringing her hands off her thighs and onto the table.

"I'm sorry about this, I really am, but my son's business is my son's business. I try not to get involved in his operations so he won't get involved in mine. As much as I think he's making a mistake, I cannot do anything about it. " The lady sighed again, which only confused Grace more.

She had no idea why she was hesitant, she didn't understand why she looked so remorseful.

"Shawn came by earlier," Grace stiffened, eyes widening slightly. "At the moment he's in a holding cell, but he will be moved to a more comfortable room. I cannot guarantee that no harm will come to him. Knowing my son, there's a high possibility for him to hurt Shawn more than what is necessary. I'm sorry again about this, but you and Shawn will be my son's prisoners for as long as he wishes. No harm will come to you and you will be fed regularly, as for Shawn..."

Rosa Nera: Saving Grace (BWWM) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now