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"Sometimes life has a cruel sense of humor, giving you the thing you always wanted at the worst time possible."
~Lisa Kleypas

Shawn had fallen asleep on his couch, his bed was empty because he had been up all night reading on his couch.

To his surprise, he found another creature on him when he awoke.

She wasn't as heavy as she looked, in fact, she wasn't heavy at all.

He just wondered why she was on him, wasn't she supposed to be in her new room?

He didn't mind though, she wasn't a bother to him at all.

"Grace." He shook the sleeping beauty on him, trying to shake her out of her deep slumber.

She groaned in response to his actions, but still didn't wake up.

He carried her bridal style and placed her gently on his bed, entering his bathroom to get himself ready for the day.

Once he came out of the bathroom, he found the seventeen year-old princess wide awake and seated on the couch he just got up from.

"Morning." She greeted him, smiling as she turned herself so she was facing him.

"Morning." He couldn't hold back the small smile that formed on his face.

The smile set butterflies loose in Grace's stomach, her face heated up and she thanked whatever higher power that existed for the melanin pigments that hid her blush.

She stood quickly and left the room to the one allocated to her, she needed to get ready for their departure.

She liked the new room she had in Shawn's house, it was cute and simple.

The walls were a beautiful baige background with bright white patterns all around, a neutral color it was indeed.

The beddings were simple and plain, the whole room only had neutral colors.

She quickly went through her morning routine, in the bathroom that was attached to her room.

Shawn left his room to meet with his mother who was happily making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning Shawn." His mother greeted as she placed the bacon on the plate beside the eggs. "I made you breakfast."

Shawn loved bacon, he loved it more than all the other foods that existed.

His mom knew that, and would always make sure he had it.

"Thanks Mom." He gave her a quick side hug, grabbing his plate before making his way to the living room.

"Morning!" Obadiah skipped down the stairs, him greeting no one in particular.

The little boy only had on his pale blue underwear, every other part of his body was bare.

"Good morning Oby." His mom greeted as she handed the seven year-old male his standard american breakfast, just the way he liked it.

While everyone else had toast with their eggs and bacon, he had pancakes with his eggs and bacon.

Jule grabbed her own plate and joined the boys in the living room, all of them watching the morning news.

Watching the news was an important part of what they did, it informed them of any changes or things they didn't yet know about.

At that moment, nothing serious was going on.

News on the increase in gang related violence had faded away as though it never once existed.

Rosa Nera: Saving Grace (BWWM) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now