Chapter 16- Apologies

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Jimin's POV

We didn't talk much after I started shoving food into my mouth, we just ate in silence only the occasional moans that left my mouth. Because the food was so damn good. That was the best plate of steak I've ever eaten, I don't get to eat fancy food often so I made sure to really be stuffed before leaving the place.

He motioned for the waitress to come and I dabbed my mouth with the silver satin handkerchief. No words were exchanged between him and the waitress, he just handed her his credit card as if it didn't cost much. I did however, managed to sneak a peak at the check. I could be wrong, under the dim light, but what I saw for sure that it wasn't cheap. Maybe a quarter of my salary. I let out a very ugly gasp and that caught his attention.

I blushed and hid my face in my hands, not wanting him to see me in my state of embarrassment. It really came to me as a shock, I didn't know 2 plates of steaks and a bottle of wine would cost that much. I peeked up at him, not expecting him to stare right me. His eyes soft and filled with many emotions I can't seem to read. My heart started to beat rapidly. I blushed even more, if that was merely possible. I deeply thank the lights for not being bright, I wouldn't want him to see me like this.

When the waitress was back, she handed him back his credit card along with the receipt. I felt soooo bad for making him pay now, I just didn't know why he would be so willing to pay for me.

He stood up shortly seemingly satisfied with his meal. He has that set of glares that could send anyone weak on their knees, which was what he's conveying to the waitress.

The slight touches she's trying to have with him was pathetic. Was she trying to flirt?

I scoffed. I trailed behind him, still keeping my distance as we walked out of the restaurant. I wouldn't want to cause any misunderstandings.

We went back to his sleek black car. He held the doors open for me even though i hadn't asked. "I can do it myself, you know?"

"Just get in." He said sternly as he shook his head.

I got myself situated and buckled the seatbelt waiting for him to enter. Dinner had went well, I'm happy, my stomach's happy too. He got in and started the engine.

"Where do you live?"

"I l-live at Gangnam-Gu, Hakdong-ro, a few blocks down t-the club." I stuttered like an idiot remembering my drunk self. Honestly, I had fun and I couldn't deny it, I don't remember much of the fucking. But at least the warmth that held me that night was remembered.

I wanted to thank him. But it was long overdue and I couldn't bring myself to say it. He had taken care of me the second time and I treated him like a pervert. It was my fault fault that I drank and I really can't blame him for that one night stand. I panicked and left but maybe I should've stayed for an explanation. The guilt was slowly settling in now.

"I-I'm sorry." I squeaked. He didn't say anything in return, just kept his eyes on the road. Maybe he didn't hear me?

"I s-said I'm sorry!" I fiddled with the hem of my shirt.

"I know." He said. I was surprised that I was easily forgiven.

I didn't expect him to forgave me that easily. I was prepared to lose my job or at least a pay cut, but it never came.

"I was just so angry a-at myself for being drunk, I really didn't mean to just leave. I was just scared and didn't know what came through me the second time you brought me to your place, b-but I knew you meant no harm. S-so thank you." There. I said it. Even though it didn't come out as confident as I thought i would, at least some weight had been taken off my shoulder.

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