When Taehyung didn’t say anything, Roseanne added, “Then how about Areum? How can you explain what she’s doing in your office? She hasn’t transferred to your company now, has she?” She said in a mocking voice.

Taehyung didn’t bother answering and continued driving instead. Roseanne looked surprisingly outside. She didn’t realize that they’ve already driven away from their high school because she was too absorbed in their fight. Then she was more surprised when Taehyung suddenly turned towards a drive-thru of a fast food restaurant. She didn’t say anything and tried not to look thrilled as she kept looking away. She wanted to fix her quarrel with Taehyung soon. But she can’t deny that her hunger was also bothering her.

“What do you want?” Taehyung asked as they neared the order section.

Roseanne quickly looked at Taehyung’s direction. “Why are you asking? This is one of our favourite restaurants Tae, you’re being . . .”

“I’m being skeptic because your preference could have changed overnight without my knowledge.” He commented in his deep voice, stressing every word.

“If this is about Chanyeol again . . .”

“There you go saying his name so casually while I can’t even say Areum’s without you overreacting.” He commented.

“Pfft! I just . . .” She tried to explain when she was interrupted.

They already reached the order section and Taehyung smoothly gave their orders. After paying for it, they moved forward to claim their order. Then they headed to Taehyung’s apartment as planned.

“I thought we’re going to mine.” Roseanne said.

“It doesn’t look like I’m still welcome to stay there, hence . . .”

“I didn’t say that.”

“But that’s what you were implying earlier.”

“No. I only suggested that we go to your apartment because it was nearer and you obviously headed out right after getting off bed seeing you still in your pj’s. And you might want to freshen up so . . .”

“Don’t I have some clothes at your apartment? Or did you throw them out or something?”

“Argh! If we keep on doing this, we’re never getting anywhere with the way our conversation is going right now.”

“Well . . .” Taehyung tried to interrupt but Roseanne didn’t give him a chance.

“Also, I’m not getting off this car unless we’re going to my apartment.”

“WHAT?! My apartment is already on the next block. Just . . .”

“I’m just saying. And it might seem futile but I swear I’ll fight you if you insist on going to your apartment.”

“Argh! You’re so stubborn.”

She snarled, “You were saying?”

“Nothing.” He rigorously shook his head in denial before saying under his breath. “I’m blaming Jimin for this. He spoiled her too much.”

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