Chapter 14: Kidnapped

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She felt coldness. Like her face was up against a piece of ice and the side of her cheek was going numb. She opened her eyes and reluctantly raised her head up off of the ground.

She was in a cell, and wasn't alone for that matter either. She looked over at the unconscious blonde boy a couple of feet away from her. She wasn't sure what had exactly happened…one minute she had been at the pizza parlor and the next she was here. The lights…she had remembered everything had blacked out but she couldn't recall anything after that.

She turned towards the boy lying on the floor as he groaned and began to stir. Tk. She had been with him, Yolie, and Davis when the power went out. She began to crawl over towards him when he moved again on his own. "Tk?" She whispered, she wasn't sure why she was being quiet but she had a feeling whoever had put them here wasn't too far.

Tk moved again and slowly raised his head from the ground. "Kari?" He looked around. "Where the hell are we?"

She shrugged. "I don't know, I just woke up a few minutes ago."

He sat up slowly and took in his surroundings which weren't much. "We're in a jail cell?" He said in confusion.

Kari looked around also, there really wasn't much. There wasn't anyone on the outside of the jail cell either. Just a dark cemented room with a couple of torches to give it a dim light. She looked back at Tk. He was staring at her with a serious look on his face. His blue eyes lit up in the light of the torches and she couldn't help but shiver at his stare. There was just some connection between them that she couldn't understand no matter how hard she tried.

"We…were trapped." Kari finally got out pulling her eyes away from his.

Tk shook his head in disbelief. "This makes no sense though. Who the hell would want to kidnap and trap us in a jail cell? I mean I'm not saying I don't have my share of enemies but there's no reason they'd take you…plus we were in a pizza place a second ago…" He put his hand through his hair looking confused.

"What if it's that creature that attacked me that night, Tk…" Kari said looking back at him seriously and feeling the fear rise inside of her. "What if there really are monsters coming after everyone. Davis told me that this guy told him he saw a monster…."

"Kari that's ridiculous." Tk snapped looking back at her. "I told you there was nothing there that night and there is no such thing as monsters."

"Then what is this Tk?" Kari asked standing her ground with him. "Because there is something seriously weird going on here and if you can come up with some logical explanation I'd love to hear it. We were just with tons of people and I don't know about you but all I remember is the lights going out and waking up in a jail cell." Tk took a deep breath but didn't answer her. "I think that says it all….sorry for yelling."

Tk snickered at her apology. "You're ridiculous."

"She's not ridiculous she's right…" Came a small voice making both the teenagers jump out of their skin. They looked to see that the door had opened in the small room and a creature was standing there. "Light, Hope, welcome to the digital world."


They had walked in silence the whole way back from the forest with the digimon. Tentomon had told them he'd explain everything once they returned to where Mimi and Izzy were. Sora took a deep breath as they arrived to where the two were sitting. She couldn't help but smirk at the fact that Mimi was now wearing Izzy's jacket and secretly wondered if that was why she had dressed like that all along.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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