Chapter 1: One Wish, Big Change

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"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No" The boy's answer was flat as he lay on his bed throwing his soccer ball at the ceiling continuously. He'd been distant like this for a week now and his younger sister really wasn't sure what to do at this point.

"I think it'll make you feel better." She said softly staring at her older brother with worry in her eyes. She hated seeing him like this, angry and sad. It wasn't like Tai Kamyia to act this way and she wasn't happy with it.

"It won't change anything." He said as he caught the ball for a final time and threw it onto the ground. He turned over on his side to face the wall avoiding his sister.

"Tai…" The short brown haired girl sighed coming over and sitting on the edge of his bed. "Please I just want to help."

"Well you can't."

"Because you won't let me!" She said becoming frustrated with his attitude.

"Okay Kari," Her brother said turning over and looking at his sister. "Here's how you can help me, you can create a time machine and take me back in time so I could tell Sora how I feel about her before stupid Matt snatches her away from me." He turned back over angrily.

"He's not dating her to hurt you Tai…"

"No that's just a bonus of it all!"

"Tai he's your best friend!"

"And how the hell would you feel Kari if Yolie started dating Tk?" Tai asked looking at her.

Kari's face turned red and she shut up immediately feeling a tug in her gut at what Tai had just said. "That's different me and Tk are just friends…nothing more."

"Yeah well your diary says differently."

"Tai! You read my diary!" Kari yelled suddenly extremely mad at her brother. "Why would you do that?"

"There was nothing on TV…"


"Don't worry I'm not going to tell him." He said doing a hand motion that said don't sweat it. "Look the fact of the matter is that my best friend is dating the girl of my dreams and my life is now over."

"It's not over, you're being overdramatic."

"Yolie and Tk…"


"EXACTLY!" He yelled sitting up straight sighing. "Seriously Kari I don't know what to do…I love her and I just can't stand to sit there and watch them together…it's only been a week of them dating and I'm already going ballistic."

"Maybe you should talk to her…" Kari offered quietly and Tai gave her a look like she was crazy.

"Okay Kari I'm going to go over to her and say what, 'Hey Sora I love you, I know you're dating Matt and all but I thought I'd let you know, 'kay bye'. Yeah great plan…"

"Okay, don't say anything." Kari said putting her hands up in defense of herself. "But moping around like this isn't helping you. You're depressed and it's worrying me. I know you're hurt but we all want Tai back."

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