Chapter 5: Lost Friendships

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"Sorry." Sora said quickly pushing herself to her feet. "I'm just not feeling well…I'm sorry. I have to…I'm sorry I have to go…" She quickly got to her feet and started running off the field. She knew she looked like she had gone crazy and she knew her teammates were calling her name but all she could think about was getting out of there and away from all the people.

She wasn't crazy; Ogremon had appeared in that goalie net and had told her he needed help. She knew it, she could feel it. The digital world was calling for her but she couldn't get to them. Not without her digivice, not without Biyomon…not without being a digidestined.

Feeling like her legs were going to fall off from the running, Sora, turned towards the beach to take a break. She walked towards the water and collapsed into the sand. No one was around, it was the middle of March and the air was still too cool for anyone to go swimming. She lay down and buried her face into her hands and started to cry.

She knew she had made a mess of everything. Her best friends weren't her friends anymore, she couldn't even get a hold of Biyomon, not that her digimon would know who she was now, the digital world was in chaos and it was all her fault.

"It's all my fault…" She cried aloud feeling overwhelmed.

"What is?"


"DAVIS!" His Uncle screeched from the back and Kari flinched from the register at the sound of crashing dishes from the kitchen. She sighed feeling bored with the diner being pretty much empty except for the occasional old people eating dinner two hours before everyone else.

She turned to see her spikey haired friend coming out of the kitchen wiping sauce off of his shirt he walked over to her looking defeated.

"What happened?"

"It wasn't my fault I slipped! The floor was wet! Like really is it necessary to clean the kitchen floor..." The boy rolled his eyes.

"I'm pretty sure the health department thinks so." She said teasingly.

"Whatever now I'm on bathroom duty for the next two weeks…" He frowned in disappointment as the bell rang and a familiar purple haired girl entered the diner. "Hey look it's the newspaper girl."

"Davis that's rude she has a name!" Kari whispered as Yolie walked up to the register.

"Hi, Kari right? Can I just have an ice tea and a blueberry muffin?" Yolie asked as she took a seat on one of the stools.

"Coming right up." Kari said with a smile and headed off to get the food.

"Aren't you on the boys' soccer team?" Yolie asked looking at Davis who was still just standing there. "Why aren't you watching the girls' game?"

"Because I have to work." He said rolling his eyes. "Obviously."

"Then you should probably work." Kari said coming back with Yolie's order and shaking her head. "You can't get good help anywhere…" She said jokingly to Yolie who laughed.

The bell rang again and Yolie looked over than turned ecstatically toward the two behind the counter. "Oh my gosh do you guys know who that is!"

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