Chapter 4: Seeing Ghosts?

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"Sora what the hell happened to your window!"

The girl groaned at the sound of her mother's shrieking voice and opened one of her eyes to look at the smashed window. She had managed to clean up the glass off the floor but her window was still shattered. She had thrown an extreme amount of blankets on her bed the night before just to keep from freezing during the night, only now she had woken up feeling hotter than ever.

"The storm broke the glass." Sora said muffled turning her head towards her pillow.

She heard her mother sigh. "Well what a mess. Luckily it seems that storm was just a fluke thing and it's nice and sunny out today!"

"It is?" Sora asked surprised lifting her head from her pillow. She forced herself to get up and looked outside her window. Sure enough it was bright and sunny out without a trace of snow left on the ground. It was if the storm had never happened. "Is that even possible?"

"Oh dear the weather is a very confusing thing, now get up you have school."

School…which meant facing the real world, or semi real world in Sora's eyes. She sighed. "Yeah I'm getting ready."

Sora felt like it was déjà vu walking down the street towards the school just as she had yesterday. It was if the storm had never happened, as if she had never gotten those phone calls and her crest hadn't shown in the window. The only evidence that she had that the whole thing had been real was the fact that she had a very broken window in her room.

"Sora!" She turned at the sound of her name to see a short haired blonde girl running towards her. She recognized the girl, her name was Alli, she was an athletic girl who played soccer for the school's team but Sora never really spoke to her as she played tennis now.

"Are you ready for the big soccer game this afternoon? I'm soo excited." Scratch that apparently now she still played soccer.

Sora smiled. "Of course can't wait." She felt her heart racing; she hadn't played soccer in years she was going to make a complete fool of herself trying to play in a game.

Alli smiled widely. "Great because if we win today we will get to play in the Tokyo Tournament!"

More pressure, now she not only had to play but play well enough to win so they could make it to the tournament

"Hello ladies." Sora's heart skipped a couple beats at the sound of his voice. She turned and he was looking right at her, waiting for her to say something. His younger sister Kari was standing there quietly next to him.

"Hello Tai. Are you coming to our big game this afternoon?" Alli said a little too friendly and Sora suddenly felt jealous.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Tai said with a wide smirk. "Takenouchi you feeling better? You were a bit out of it yesterday." His voice had a hint of sarcasm.

Sora rolled her eyes. "I'm fine I just wasn't feeling well."

"Clearly." He turned to Alli. "I'll be cheering you guys on today." He gave her a wink and then pushed through the two of them and continued walking towards the school.

Kari waited a moment and sighed. "Don't mind him; he's just full of himself." Then she hurried after her brother.

Alli sighed next to Sora. "Sora I know you hate that guy but he's just so cute."

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