Chapter 10: Open Up to Me

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"UGH! Screw you!" Tk's attacker yelled running off the coat and away from the medium length blue haired boy who was standing in front of an extremely red Yolie with his hand out.

"Can I help you up?"

Yolie nodded weakly and took the boy's hand as he pulled her up. "Thank you." She managed to breath out and then looked over to where Kari was leaning over Tk.

"You need to go to a doctor!" Kari pleaded with the boy who had blood drenched on his face. "Your nose might be broken!"

"Kari I'm not going to a doctor!" He spat back at her but was holding his head in obvious pain from hitting the tar. He started to stand but groaned in pain holding his head tighter.

"Tk you have to go. Stop being stubborn!" She put her hands on his arm leading him to where Yolie and Ken were standing. "Come on I'll take you."

"I don't need a babysitter…" He muttered but didn't struggle against her.

Kari rolled her eyes at him as she pulled him over to the other two. "I need to take Tk to the hospital." He grunted but she ignored him. "I think his nose is broken." She looked up at the blonde who stood next to her. His nose was covered in blood and he had a pained look on his face whether he was willing to admit it or not.

"Okay I'll come with you." Yolie said and then looked towards Ken. "Thank you so much for saving us."

"I didn't need saving." Tk commented and Kari gave him a dirty look telling him to shut up. "I'm just saying…"

"Well that guy was violent and so I want to thank you…" Yolie said again blushing.

Ken gave her a soft smile. "No problem. I'm going to go but I'm glad you're okay now." He turned and walked away with Yolie watching dreamily as he left.

"He's so sophisticated…" She muttered with her head tilted and a small smile on her phase.

"Yeah he's a gem can we go now?" Tk asked aggravated.

Kari rolled her eyes at him. "Let's get him to the hospital."


"This is a cute room I suppose." Mimi said as she shoved her overly large bag into Sora's bedroom. Izzy had asked Sora some more questions about the digital world so he could get an idea on how to get the four of them there. Sora had told him about the day at summer camp when they were transported to the digital world, how it a weirdly started to snow in the middle of summer and every other little detail she could remember from that day. Then her and Mimi had gone to Mimi's apartment to grab and overnight bag that looked more like a two week long vacation bag and headed back to Sora's.

"What the heck happened to your window?" She asked Sora pointing to the damaged window. "Did you get mad and throw something?"

"No" Sora said with a slight smirk knowing very well that the only reason Mimi would suggest that is because that's something Mimi would have done. "One of the freak storms caused it."

"Oh." Mimi said sitting down on Sora's bed. "Are those storms caused by the digital world?"

Sora thought about it. "Hmm I don't know that's actually a really good question."

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